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Chernyavsky Sergej Nikolaevich

Candidate to master of Economic of Enterprise Faculty 

e-mail: chernyavsky@rambler.ru


The theme of the master's dissertation is: " The elaboration and substantiation of measures for increase the effectiveness of the Ukrainian tax system"

Scientific manager: c.e.s., a.prof. Stepanova T.A.

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I was born on August 11, 1979 in the city Donetsk. I graduated from general education school of v.t.t. Novgorodskoe of Donetsk region in 1996. I entered The Donetsk State Technical University on French Technical faculty (FTF) on speshiality "Electric Gear And Automation of Industrial Plants and Technical Complexes"(direction-electric mechanics) the same year. My purpose was to get the university education. At the end of the second course I had to stop my education because of family situation and took academic vacation (April 16, 1998). On the September of this year I was recovered to DSTU on faculty of Economic and Management (FEM) on spechiality "Economic of Enterprise" to the second course (with passing of academic difference). In my opinion, the new spechiality would have had to promote my self-expression.

The motives of election of this theme are:
- the ability to work with material on this theme;
- my ambitions of working in tax department;
- actuality and importance of this theme.

Tax is the element, without which any state or society could not exist or work. Thanks to this institute the number of life important arrangement carry out: keep of the state machinery, financing social, unproductive scope and doing of social works, redistribution of means with the purpose of stimulation of national economic, etc.

Until the state exists, this institute will be exists too.

There are many problems in this area at the moment. Today's size of shadow sector of economic in Ukraine is more than 70 per sent. There are many nuances which connected with imperfection of law, means stream out the country, theft of state (people) means and property, etc. In connection with this, people (before all - pensioners, children, young spouses) suffer from it and inside market is destroyed.

The increasing of effectiveness of the tax system supposes to solve the problems with the help of arrangements directed to detain means in the country for their future using in life important directions.

Politic tax system, effective control of incomes - this are that directions, without which our country can not develops and functions as a socium.

Economic - is the basis of a society. In base of any developed society lays effective economic model. Economic relations go through all scopes of life, make foundation for developing of society in all directions (science, culture…). Future, in my opinion, is for economic correct and spirit developed people.