
Volkova Marina

Master of "Accounting and auditing"

Facultu of "Economics and management"



I was born March 10th, 1980 in Donetsk. I was studying in school ¹6.

In my first classes I began to take a great interest in chess and checkers, visited a chess club. Then I was enrolled into fine art studio and simultaneously took a great interest in needlework, an embroidery and a macrame. In the third class I has acted in a musical school ¹ 1 and was engaged in a serious piano classes. Since 1990 my music education continued at children's musical school ¹ 4. In the same place I had a great interest in choral singing and acted in a regional philharmonic society.

After finishing a piano class in 1994, I was engaged in a variety dances. After that I entered a "Blue bird" club, which was a theatrical one. In a high school I was always participating in Olympiads on programming, mathematics, physics, chemistry and on Ukrainian language. When I was 16 years old I was enrolled into a high-leveled Ukrainian language inclination class. I was engaged in an active participation in a school life.

I was asked to participate in school games like "ÊVN" and game show "Marabu". Every year starting 1990 I had a rest in a children's health resort "The Silver forge".

In 1997 I finished my school with an excellence and entered Donetsk State Technical university on "Accounting and audit" speciality. My parents helped me chose a college.

I started interesting computers. Since 1999 I entered second educational course on "Computer systems" speciality. Constantly I am trying to unite study in two directions. I am found of studying computer application in accounting and business management. Last time I was asked to head a development process on accounting and analysis of general production costs database.

With my head professor Starodubtsev E.V. I deeply studied a cost price of production formation. I gave a special attention to accounting, cost distribution, analysis of general production costs. Also I am trying to pay attention to administrative accounting and to national and international accounting standards. Regularly I visit an Internet pages which contain different articles on management accounting and audit. For example, and etc.

In the nearest future, I suppose, much more time will be given to computerize an accounting with application of various programs on "Accounting and audit" speciality. Management accounting should be paid much more attention and students should learn to analyze concrete situations, make the proved decisions on examples.

I believe that soon I will be able to realize an auditor activity. Scientific activity is possible.

I prefer spending my free time with my best friends, also I take a great interest in guitar and a piano playing.