Russian Ukrainian

Gayduchenya Aleksey
The master of faculty of geotechnologies and production managements
Donetsk national
Technical university
83000 Ukraine, Donetsk, street. Artem, 58
Department "Development of Deposits of minerals "
Group RPM-97a


The head - the senior lecturer, Cand.Tech.Sci. Department "Development of Deposits of minerals "
Theme ìasters works:
"licvidation of vertical stvol"

      I, Gayduchenya Aleksey Mikhaylovich, was born Octouber, 20, 1978 in Makeevka. In 1984 has gone to school ¹ 10 of this town. During study at school I took part in school life,I was a classes commander. In 1994 has finished a comprehensive school ¹ 6 1-3 steps of Dokuchaevsk, in that year has acted in Dokuchaevsk mountain technical school on a speciality " open-cast mining layers deposits ". During study in technical school has in parallel ended the driving School in Olginka and has received the driver's license. As has received the certificate "The driver of a dredge" and " The driver of chisel installation".

      Upon termination of technical school in 1997 has acted in " Donetsk State Òåõíè÷åñêèèé University " (DonNTU) on mountain faculty " Geotechnologies and Production management " (FGPM), on department " Nature protection activity " in group EGT-97 "Ecological technologies and the equipment n mountain business ".

      This speciality was chosen me because it is interesting and is one of the basic components in the Coal industry of Ukraine. For one year of study I was convinced, that have correctly chosen the University and the speciality.

      The subject of mine Master's works is connected to strengthening containing developments of a file and deformations occurring in them which influence mountain developments.

      After ending (DonNTU)I would like will be arranged for highly paid work, and subsequently to begin the director of any enterprise or firm.

or of any enterprise or firm.