Welcome to personal page Ishutkina Anna Anatolevna
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Group GR-97

My @E-mail ishutkina@rambler.ru


Report to work in the search systems

Electronical library

   She who writes, Ishutkina Anna, was birth on 19 may 1979 in one of the provincial towns of the Donetsk region called Yasynuvata.

   In 1986 I entered the school ¹ 6 of the same town and spent there ten wonderful years. Its efficient teaching staff and its friendly atmosphere had a good influence on me. I didn’t have to make efforts to study well, it came naturally to me . English was one of my hobbies. Also I did some ballet, folk dance, judo, unarmed combat and even chorus singing. I tried everything. One of our teachers formed a basketball team. First the idea seemed ridiculous but we proved that practice makes perfect and won, numerous competitions. While a senior, I participated in organizing school entertainment activities.
   Finished my studies at school, I decided to go to the University. I had a vague idea of my future occupation, and perhaps it was natural for me to fail that year. There was a year ahead and I had to use it somehow. So I finished bookkeeping courses with excellent marks and tried to work. That experience helped me to realize that I needed just a contrary. The profession of a geologist suggested an active life, new people and place and a constant contact to nature.
   In 1997 I passed successfully my entrance exams and was happy to become a student in Geologic surveying and prospecting of the Donetsk Technical University Since the very beginning each day of studies brought something new and interesting. I could hardly imagine that geology was so absorbing and variegated. We learnt of theory through the year and in summer we had practice that was like a pleasant vacation.
   While studying I was especially attracted by the precious stones and diamonds in particular. Thus, I participated in the state project: «Elaboration of the model for the industrial assessment diamond kimberlites in the Azov region based on the investigations of geochemical criteria minerals», and wrote a report on it. I took part in many conferences. At present I am occupied with a self-financing project which deals with the diamond perspectives of the Azov unit, Ukranian craton, based on the upper mantle investigations, its age and structure.
   Begin a student of the 3 year I took up special tests to decome a member of the Amerikan Assosciation of Petroltum Geologist,AAPG,and now I can participated in any conference hold by the association all around the world. Periodicals are sent to me on a regular basis from Canada as the AAPG wants each member to knou all the resent scientific new in geology.
   Still the most important thing that the University gave me are my three friends who understand and encourage me so mach in life.
   Finally, I have chosen to write the master’s thesis that accompanies the present biography taking into account the topicality of the diamond perspectives problem. It is entitled: "Geological and elemental feature of chromepirope's and capasity of diamonds inclusion in Ukrainian geological panel".
   Some questions considered in my work are to contribute to the diamond prospecting in my country.
   I am in five-years time I hope to become enough smart and educated to get on, have a nice family and a high standing in the society.

Date of last updating 19.04.2002