Burkovskiy Anatoliy

Burkovskiy Anatoliy

Doctor of technical scienses, professor of the chair:

"Electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities"

in Donetsk National Technical University

      I, Byrkovskiy Anatoliy, was born on 25 March , 1939 in Mogilev-Podolskiy of Vinnitskiy region in workers family. With 1946 for 1956 studied in school ¹ 1, with 1956 on 1961 studied in the Lvov polytechnic institute at power faculty and has graduated on a speciality " Electric Machines". Since 1961 I starts to work in Donetsk in research-developing and designing institute Giproniselectroshaht (later VNIIVE - all-Union research-developing institute of flameproof and mine electrical equipment, since 1992 renamed in UkrNNIBE.

      Engineering and research work.

      With 1961 on 1972 I worked in laboratory of a research of a heating and cooling of flameproof asynchronous induction motors (FAIM). For this time shared in a research of a thermal state FAIM (power of 0,6-110 kW) with air-cooled (the problems of a select of the most effective parameters of cooling systems, development of modrlling methods of thermal calculation FAIM in a continuous duty) were solved. By results of researches 10 scintific-reserch papers and monography with the co-authors (Burkovskiy A.N., Kovalev E.B., Korobov V.K.). In 1971 I proofed the candidate on basis of these papers.

      In 1973 I was assigned chaire by sector of ventilation thermal and mechanical calculations of FAIM by power from 0,25 up to 2000 kW (all types and modifications). It was necessary to design and to calculate drives of different constructions and cooling systems for different duties, and reliable methods of hydraulic and thermal calculations FAIM was not. Operation on a research of thermal processes in FAIM of different constructions and cooling systems in given duties, that was allowed siries of calculation methods and also the procedures of mechanical calculations FAIM were improved. All this it became a reliable basis (in a part of ventilation, hydraulic, thermal and mechanical processes) of projection FAIM of all indispensable types, series and modifications. For 1973-1986 in institute new series FAIM designed: air-cooled in V, VR (0,6-110 kW) with modifications, FAIM and VAO2 by power of 132-315 kW, high-voltage VAÎ and VAÎ2 by power 200-2000 êw; cuts of a series and separate fulfilments FAIM for coal combines and planers water-cooled such as EKV etc. (power of 45-315 kW). The split-hair accuracy of calculations and methods of simulation of a thermal state favoured to a heightening of technical indexes and prompt implantation of advanced designs in production. All generated drives had high characteristics at an international level. In 1980 the institute VNIIVE for development of a series of powerful drives was received the State premium of USSR, and there are a lot of types of drives it were scored by medals on exebition of reachings of country.

      Per consequent years the operations on implantation of advanced designs in production and further in an industry were conducted. The real external environment of drives in a coal industry has put forward new tasks; it was necessary to search for new paths of intensification of cooling FAIM, methods of definition of power handling capabilities FAIM in different standard modes, and also methods of thermal calculation in requirements of stochastic character of loads (in coal combines). Therefore a series of research works on development (or betterment) of cooling systems of drives with usage of thermal tubes, heat-conducting masses was carried out.

      The results of researches on experimental samples of drives have enabled to create methods of their thermal calculation; experimental and the analytical investigations have allowed to elaborate precise enough methods of calculation of a power handling capability FAIM in different reall conditions. The results of these papers was irradiated in more than 150 technological publications (paper, reports on conferences, including 17 copyright certificates and monographies.

      In 1998 in institute of an electrodynamics NAS of Ukraine I proofed a doctoral thesis on electric machines on the subject of " Methods of a heightening of efficiency of cooling systems of flameproof induction motors ". After that on an extent more of two years worked in UkrVNIIVE as chaire of department of electric machines by power of 0,25-110 kW. The department designed the new constructions of FAIM for necessities of an industry. The high quality of these papers is affirmed by that in 2000 UkrVNIIVE has received the State premium of Ukraine by designing of a series FAIM by power up to 400 kw for a coal industry.

     Since 2002 I work at Donetsk National Technical University at electrotechnical faculty (professor of chire of electrical power supply). Now I take up with problems:

      1) searching for of engineering solutions on betterment of cooling systems of enclosed induction motors;

      2) the analysis of influence of parameters of a web of electrical power supply on performance characteristics and powers of induction motors;

     3) searching for of paths of energy-saving in different directions.

Fedyuk Oksana