Oksana Gavrischuk

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Oksana Gavrischuk

Oksana Gavrischuk

Master of faculty of economy and management
Donetsk national technical university

A theme of the masters work: Perfection of logistic flows control system of the industrial enterprises conditions

The Scientific Chief: the senior lecturer, doctor of economic sciences A. Amosha


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I was born in December 27, 1980 in city Selidovo of Donetsk region, Ukraine. In childhood, as well as all children, took a great interest in drawing, played in dolls.
In 1986 has gone to school. Studied on "excellent". I can not tell, that very much loved mathematics, but I am grateful to the teacher of mathematics Galina Aldanskaya for all that knowledge, which I have received. Being the schoolgirl somewhat took part in cultural and public life of school, took a great interest in study of the English language and took part in Olympiads.

School years have flown by imperceptibly, but have given me of enough base knowledge for the further study in HIGH SCHOOL. In July, 1998 successfully has passed interview and has acted in Donetsk national technical university on a speciality " management of organizations " of faculty of economy and management. In childhood I was sure, that I shall be the economist, namely this speciality has chosen because it enables to receive both economic knowledge, and knowledge in the field of the right, that, for today, is very important. From all HIGH SCHOOLS of Donetsk i choose Donetsk national technical university because, alongside with its popularity, parity between quality and by training optimal.

The masters work comprises research of material flows at the enterprise. I think, this direction is rather interesting, you see Logistic (the management of material flows) is a science called to optimize production and to ensure increase of the enterprise, that is very important for any firm, therefore "Perfection of logistic flows control system of the industrial enterprises conditions" seems to a urgent choice of such theme of magisters work as " to me.
In Switzerland more than 15 years exist the European centre of logistic. In our country this science has arisen rather recently and its development in Ukraine requires wide propagation methods of logistics among the science officers. I think, in a near future the majority of the domestic enterprises will use the concept of logistics for increase of efficiency of the activity.
Concerning the future I remain the optimist that the speciality " management of organizations " also will be popular as well as now, you see the economists owning legal knowledge, are always claimed, and Donetsk national technical university will reserve "rank" of one of leading HIGH SCHOOLS of Donbass. Myself in the future I would like to see by the succeeding manager - economist, maybe, even by the chief. You see always from life it would be desirable to receive best, it is necessary only to aspire to this.

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