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Goppa Yanina

Goppa Yanina

Master of the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU)

Faculty: Economic & Management
Department: Management and the economic right
Group: MO-98a (MMR-98)

Topic of the thesis: Management of the personnel at the enterprises with foreign investments

Lead: the professor,
the candidate of economic sciences Amosha A.I.

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I, Goppa Yanina, in recent times Ivanova, was born on 21 February of 1981 year in Donetsk. Parents - Ivanov Eugeny and Ivanova Elena - still students Donetsk Politechnical Institute, DPI (at the moment of my birth) from the childhood have brought up love to diligence and respect for people. Having seen abilities of the child, i.e. me, to music, have given to children's musical circle "Ìalishok" where me have learned elements of singing. As result numerous competitions, festivals, concerts, and later - an ether of teleprogram "DoMiSolka" have served.

In 1988 has gone to first class of a comprehensive school of 1-3 steps ¹ 32. Due to remarkable traditions and teachers the love to the literature (numerous literary drawing rooms) and to dances (annual competitions of ball dances) was showed. Later was fond of basketball and badminton.

In same time outside school the most important hobby there was a music - in 1990 I went in the musical school ¹ 7 to a class of a piano, and little bit later - on a class of a guitar. My personal achievement on the given field - certificates with distinction on two instruments. Further - concerts with ensemble, participation in competitions, in creative evenings of the Donetsk regional concert hall it. S.S.Prokof'eva. In parallel music I was fond of dances - acted in ensemble of national dance "Zarevo".

The choice of high school was solved in itself - serious preparation of experts, reputation of graduates DPI, its glory of the most old high school of Donbass - is far from being all reasons of my choice. The choice of a speciality was defined by my character: I rather sociable, fair, a little arrogant, but hardworking enough person, therefore have chosen a speciality " Management of the organizations " (MO). In 1998 I successfully finished my school and was awarded by a goden medal and successfully passed the entrance examinations in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU).

Already studying on specialities I have got new hobbies - the English and KVN. Has not passed also love to music - I am engaged with singer of philarmonic societies, Plehanova Tatyana, and it both classics, and a jazz, and another song. In that time I have achieved expansion of a range of a voice and repertoir.

Studying management I have understood, that I was interested very much in personnel management. Passing an industrial practice at the Enterprise is founded on the Property of the Citizen of Israel "MIKS" (EFPIC "MIKS"), it wanted to me to deal with problems of the personnel in the organizations more in detail, to study hiring, work, an estimation, motivation, that determed a choice of my theme: " Management of the personnel at the enterprises with foreign investments ".

My letting out faculty " Management and the economic right " considers, as one of directions of scientific researches, problems of perfection of control systems at the industrial enterprises. Students study discipline " Personnel management " and with it enable to expand the knowledge in the given direction of management to introduce any corrective amendments, to offer something newer or advanced. Problems of management of the personnel on faculty are engaged in Kachan I.V., Shevchenko V.V., Chernega O.B., Jilchenkova V.V.

I think, that the theme of personnel management is rather actual, and in our country application of theoretical knowledge as the mankind changes and in only begins and in the future will take into account his interests. Just now management of the personnel began to turn from dry calculations and records to interesting work. New concepts and schools have appeared a lot, there is a lot of attention to the staff of the enterprises. The speciality of management of the organizations too began to get the status widely claimed. In a science there come the young people lifting new questions and tryingIn a science there come the young people lifting new questions and trying to solve existing problems. The future of high school DonNTU - in amplification of material base, a recognition of high school at the international level, development of new specialities.

The purposes of personal character - studying of business and technical English; reception and perfection of skills of work with the personnel; work on managing post in the large organization; improvement of legal maintenance of work of the enterprises andimprovement of legal maintenance of work of the enterprises and the organizations.

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