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Svetlana Lipatova

Donetsk National Technical University

The Faculty of Economics and Management

The theme of dissertation:

"The profit tax: analysis, main problems and ways of getting perfection"

Supervisor: PhD Valentina Antonenko

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Hi, my name is Svetlana Lipatova. I was born on 11th of June, 1981 in Makeyevka. It's half an hour ride from Donetsk. I didn't go to a kindergarten, so I was calm and obedient child, but very spoil because of the constant grown's up attention and care, and their readiness of making all my caprices come true. I didn't have any espessial achivements in my childhood, maybe excapt one: I liked to knit and to sew for my dolls. My grandgrandmother tought me to do that.

In 1988 I went to secondary school # 50 in Makeyevka. During studying at school I had taken an active part in school's life, in different school and town competitions. I had been learning foreign language (English) with pleasure. Parallelly to that I had been going to a ball-dance school, but on weekends I had been training in the swimming pool.

In 1998 I finished my scholl with perfection and was rewarded with medal for the progresses at studying and with document for the outclass learning foreign language.

The choice of a speciality was not for me special a problem, but to choose the HIGH SCHOOL was uneasy. I have touched huge quantity(amount) of educational institutions and have stopped the choice on one in which I am trained both now and at all I do not regret about the choice. So in 1998 I have acted(arrived) in Donetsk national technical university on economic faculty. Being the student of the second rate, has successfully passed examination and has received the Certificate of Institute of the international cooperation for studying of foreign language over the curriculum.

In 2002 the Economy and business " has received the diploma (with distinction) the bachelor on a direction of preparation ". Now I am the student of magistracy DNTU of faculty of Economy and Management and I work above a spelling a dissertation on a theme: " The profit tax: the analysis, problems and prospects of perfection ".

The Future of the theme of the dissertation I see in revival of the enterprises which are in a critical financial and economic condition, and as a whole in revival of a national economy. In turn, I shall try to make all for improvement and development of economy of Ukraine, being in the chapter of one of the industrial enterprises of the country. It is sure, that such work will bring to me not only material, but also moral satisfaction.

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