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Pozdnyakova Svetlana

Pozdnyakova Svetlana

The faculty of economics and management

group EPR - 98    

The theme of the thesis: "The effectiveness of insuarance companies services for reinsuarance of responsibility"

Supervisor of my magister's work doctor of economic science, professor Shvetc Irina


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I was born on 25 of september 1981, in Donetsk. My father, Pozdnyakov Valery is the associated professor of the department "The technology of mechanical engineering" in Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU). My mother, Pozdnyakova Natalia, is the phisicist, accountant and master sportsman in gymnastics, but now she isn't work. It was her passion for sport, that have prompted me to go to modern rhytmic gymnastics since I was 5.

I learned good at school, but I have never been "A" grade pupil. I took parts in different schools performances. At the second form I went to Algeria for 3 years, because my father had been invited there to the work. There I saw the desert Sahara, the Mediterranean Sea and was in many others places in this country. At that time I could speak arabian and french. Now I'm only speaking russian, ukrainian and english. In the six form I was awarded 1 place in jumping competition. After 8 form I entered Donetsk technical college and my graduation was the first from this course. I entered Donetsk state technical university in 1998, faculty of economics and management, and my choice wasn't accidental. At first, our university is the most old and "experienced" in our town. At second, as I have already said, my father is the professor at the DonNTU and he gave me an advice that help me to do my choice.

While I have studied, I had got driving licence, had graduated from an model school and worked as a model for some time. Since than I have gone to the aerobics.

Since 3 course I have taken parts in conferences. My first conference was in Kiev technical university, I told about business philosophy. Than I was in Kiev national aviation university with the subject: "TQM - the strategy of XXI century" and in Sevastopol with "Reinsuarance - the necessary condition for insuarance companies effective work" . For this report I was reworded in nomination "The topicality of the research". In 2002 I have continued my education on the master program. And on the last year of my studies at the university (September 2002 - December 2003) I am writing a master work under the direction of a supervisor of studies - doctor of economic science, professor Shvetc Irina. The theme of my master thesis is "The effectiveness of insuarance companies services for reinsuarance of responsibility". I have chosen it proceeding from my interests and preferences. I would like to understand the machinery of insuarance business of our young state; to analyze its place in the economical world.

As far as I know, at the faculty of Economics and Management of DonNTU a thesis on such a theme nobody has yet defended. It is always pleasant to be the first.

After graduation from the university I wish I could continue to study my insuarance theme. Then I plan to work in Ukrainian insuarance company or in any international insuarance organization. Any way, my future work will be connected with economy. And being the arrogant person, I see the future in managing circles of the large insurance company.