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The faculty of: Energomechanics and Automatics

The Kathedra of: Mining Electromechanics and Automatics

Group: MEA - 98a

Theme of master's work:

" Designing the System of Automatic Stabilizing of the Boiling Layer Level in Solid-Fuel Boiler Unit with Low Temperature Boiling Layer Furnace"

The supervisor of studies: Gavrilenko Boris Vladimirovich


I was born on December 10, 1978 in the city of Donetsk in Vishnevsky Hospital maternity ward. I have 2 brothers: the elder one - Eugen - is 26, the younger - Anrew - is 20. My father works at the close corporation "Topaz" as an assembly mechanic, my mother works as economist at the local Tram & Trolley-Bus Bureau.

Up to the age of 5 I lived in a hostel near the Circus in Leninsky region. In 1984 my parents received a one-room apartment in Kalininsky region. A year later, in 1985, as a family with many children, we were given a 3-room apartment in Privokzalny region, where I went to school ¹ 51at the age of 7. A year and a half later our family was given another apartment, this time with four rooms and in Kievsky region. Thus, the second half of my second year of school studies I finished in a new secondary school ¹ 70, where I studied from 1986 till 1994 and completed a nine-year course.

Upon completion of the 9-year course I passed examinations and entered the Donetsk ñäàë ýêçàìåíû è ïîñòóïèë â Äîíåöêèé polytechnical school (DPS). DPS is one of the leading technical schools in Donbass that trains automatic control engineering junior specialists. That is why I opted to specialize in "Computer-aided systems operating (CASO)". My group was ÝÀÑ-94. In 1997 I had practice at "Avdeevsky By-Product Coke Plant". In 1998 I successfully defended a graduation thesis on the topic of "Integrated Automation of Deaeration Plant" with the highest grades.

Immediately upon the defense and receipt of a red diploma specializing as "Automation mechanic and electromechanic" in 1998 I passed exams and entered the Donetsk State Technical University, the Faculty of Mining and Electromechanics (FM&E) (currently FE&A) as a full-time student specializing in a related science - "Automation of Technological and Manufacturing Processes"( ÃÝÀ) ( The Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automatics), main orientation: "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies".

In 2001 the above University was awarded the status of National University(DonNTU), and my faculty was given a new name - the Faculty of Power Mechanics and Automation(FPMA). My group was ÃÝÀ-98à, the last of the kind, because nowadays the course has another name - A&CPP (Automation and Control of Production Processes).

In 2002 I received a blue bachelor's diploma specializing in: "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies". That same year I entered the magistrates to further specialize in: "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies".

In the future, upon graduation from the University, I plan to work at Makeevsky Research Institute (MakRI) and continue scientific research and work in the field of technological processes automation as well as automation of boiler units in particular. One of the pressing issues today is the problem of fuel and energy resources, and these researches should allow boiler units to make a transition to using waste products from mining and high-ash grades of coal (with ash content of up to 75%), which are non-usable for industrial purposes. This will lead to significantly lower expenses for fuel resources that are used today, for example, for heating of residential areas and industrial buildings and facilities, as well as for providing population with hot water.

My hobbies:

- movies, music;

- football.

Contact info:

Trenyova str., 3a-3b/89

Donetsk, 83004, Ukraine


Faculty Contact Info: òåë. (0622) 91-07-26, 97-92-11.

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