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V. Stavitsky

Vladimir Stavitsky

lecturer, candidate of Technical Science

official phone number: 38(062)335-00-92

I was born on February 8, 1974 in the sity Belitskoye of Donetsk region.

In 1996 I graduated Donetsk state technical university on a speciality "Automatization of the mining-technological processes and productions".

From 1996 to 1999 I had studied on post-graduate course on the department of the mining electrical engineering and automatics (GEA)

From 1999 to 2002 I had worked as assistant of the department GEA.

In 2002 I has defended a thesis on competition for a scientific degree "candidate of Technical Science" on a theme: "Mathematic simulation of the controlled asynchronous electric drive with gate-transformer invertor for the mining electric locomotive " (speciality "Electrotechnical Complexes And Systems").

Since 2002 I am lecturer of department GEA. I supervise students engaged on degree thesis, teach the disciplines: " Automatized electric drives", "Electric drives and electrical equipment of mining machines", "Elements of the automized electric drives", "The theory of the electric drives ", " The principles of the power transforming technics".

I have written 12 publications. I am participant of several scientific and technical conferences. I participated in design of the perspective motor starter PVI-630.

Sphere of my professional interests: the automized electric drives, power transforming technics, microprocessor control systems of the technological processes.

My passions: active rest, sports.

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