Fursov M.A. Fursov Maxim Aleksandrovich

Speciality: Economic cybernetics
Group EKI-98

Theme of the dissertation: " Enterprise business  processes modelling"
The chief: the senior lecturer  Ladyzhenskij J.V.
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Page of masters DonNTU

The Personal data:

Date of birth: 16/06/1981
The birthplace: Donetsk
The marital status: married

Formation(education) and work:
In 1996 passed training on the French language in. Charleroi, Belgium.
In 1998 has ended scool¹ 115. Donetsk with a silver medal.
Since 1998 I study in  DonNTU (faculty VTI), on a speciality economic cybernetics.
The choice of a speciality has made. From the childhood was fond of programming, and knowledge of economy I think necessary for successful work in our country.

1999-2002 in computer center DonNtU, the programmer.
Development, debugging and testing of projects and modules of a subsystem "Dean's office" within the framework of the management information SYSTEM of high SCHOOL.

In 2002 has received the bachelor's degree of economy with distinction. Has acted(arrived) in the magistracy on a speciality.

Since 2002 I work on Joint-Stock Company " Hercules" as the engineer - programmer above creation of system of electronic commerce (specialization: e-procurement, electronic purchases). This theme will be a practical part of mine master's thesis .

Knowledge of languages:
Russian, Ukrainian, French - freely I write, I read, I speak.
English (technical) - I read well, I write and I speak decently.

Programming languages:
Delphi (Object pascal), SQL - it is professional. VB (VB script, VBA), ASP, HTML (DHTML), Java - good knowledge. C ++, XML, UML - I study.

OS / PLATFORMS MS Windows (98, NT, 2000, XP) - the basic environment of development (administration of working groups). Linux/Unix - at a level of the user
MS SQL Server, Interbase - it is professional (administration - an average level)

In the long term I want to continue the fundamental education in postgraduate study, in parallel developing own professional work in sphere of information technologies.
 Contact © Fursov M.A.;at complete or partial use of materials the active reference is obligatory