
SUBJECT:Videodecoding algorithms research and IP-core MPEG-1,2 videodecoder development.
My scientific chief: Зинченко Ю.Е.


I was born in 1981, 29 June in Donetsk, Ukraine.

I studied in school №33 in Donetsk. I learned programming from fifth class. In Donetsk Region Palace of Children Art I learned programming languages:Basic, Pascal. I entered to the Donetsk Technical Lyceum after seventh class. I took part in school competition on programming. In tenth and eleventh classes I took four place on region competition. Lyceum I finished with silver medal.

I entered to Donetsk State Technical University after reyting competition on programming and mathematic.

At university I have studied many disciplines from different areas computer engineering. Especially I interesting with digital computer blocks subjects. I have received the diploma the bachelor computer engineering in 2002. That year I entered to Donetsk National Technical University magistracy where I am studying till now.

I have taken part in Ukranian Olympiad of hardware description languages VHDL and Verilog, which was spent by Aldec Inc ( finishing 4th course. I got in number of the winners, I have received the invitation to training in compilers division of Aldec in Gliwice (Poland).

I trained as hardware engineer, and there I was ratified with a final subject of the magistracy dissertation. I have connected together my interests to development of the hardware and videoprocessing. I have chosen a subject:
Videodecoding algorithms research and IP-core MPEG-1,2 videodecoder development. My scientific chief is the senior lecturer Zinchenko Y.E.

I want very much to improve existing algorithms, and also to put in hardware. I will increase decoding speed and place all in some chips. And then group MPEG will begin with me to consult by development of the new standards :).