Foto  of Boyprav Victoriya

Boyprav Victoriya Pavlovna

Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU)
Miner-geological faculty (MGF)
Chair of Geoinformation and geodesy
Group IG-98

Subject of master's work:"Development of training software for course Geodesy"
Scientific supervisor: profesor, d.t.s. Mogilny S.G.

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Master's work






I was born on the 9th of May 1981 in the Donetsk.

In 1987 at school N2 for me the first coll has sounded, and since this moment my learn began at school. But in 6 years it was not ready to this serious step.

In 1988 in connection with mother's move to other work we have left for Kurakhovo. The same year I have gone to school N3 of Kurakhovo. Me as though have changed, I became the diligent child. As the schoolgirl, I differed persistence on study, assiduity. I liked to study. Every year, since 1993, I participated in city Olympiads on a history, Ukrainian and Russian. And so, in 1996 I have received the certificate about incomplete secondary education with exelant. Not continuing could not study to be and speeches. I have passed to school N5. This school takes leading place among schools of city and area. Here educational process is well organized, professionals of the affair work. Me have distributed in a class with a mathematical bias and it has predetermined character of my further occupations.

When there was a question on the further study in a higher educational institution, I Has stopped my choice on Donetsk State Technical University. About this high school I heard from my friends who here studied, as about a temple of a science and knowledge, it was necessary to choose a speciality. In 1998 has ended 11 classes with a gold medal.

In university it has been enlisted by results of rating tests on speciality "Engineering geodesy" of miner-geological faculty. On faculty I am engaged in studying of opportunities of such geoinformation systems as MapInfo, ArcView, CAD-systems and also expediency of their application in our country on manufacture.

After four years of training has received the bachelor's degree and has entered in a magistracy.

The theme of master's work chooses "Development of training software for course Geodesy" under the direction of the professor Mogilny S.G.

In the future I see myself the teacher, it is possible even the professor. But if it will not take place with me practice of work in the Donetsk Geodesic center has given me a good lesson in professional work of the geodesist. And I'll can work as the engineer-geodesist .

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