Osyka Dmitriy Sergeevich

The master of faculty of Computer information technologies and automatics

Speciality - Information managers of systems and technologies (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM)

Group MIS-98b

Theme of masters job: "Development of a computer subsystem of management by industrial sites of shop"

Biography Dissertation

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    Osyka Dmitry Sergeevich Biography  

I Was born September, 27, 1980 in Thorez, Donetsk region.

During 1984 to 1990 lived and studied in Germany.

In 1998 has finished with distinction school №11. For the period of studing at school was recognized as the best pupil of city and got rank of "Mr. science - 98 ".

In 1998 has acted in Donetsk national technical university on faculty of Computer information technologies and automatics, a speciality - Information managers of systems and technologies (MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM). The choice of university and speciality was not occurrence, at school was interested to computers and programming.

In 2002 has received the bachelor's degree of computer sciences with distinction.

Since September, 2002 I am studing in a magistracy on faculty of the management information system under a management of docter, senior lecturer Lazdynja S.V.The theme of magisters qualifying work " Development of a computer subsystem of management by industrial sites of workshop ". This theme was offered to me by my supervisor of studies, area of which scientific interests - a computerization and automation of technological processes.

Upon termination of a magistracy I plan to get the second economic education, for continuation of the vocational training.

  В© Osyka D.S., 2003 E-mail:osyka@torba.com