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Ben Aicha Zied

Ben Aicha Zied

Donetsk national technical university
Faculty Mechanical
Speciality "Technology of mechanical engineering"
Group TM-98a


    Ukraine - not that country in which I was born, it not that country which representative of mentality I am, it not that country in which I have received an elementary education and has grown.

    My name differs from a name my friends. My name is Ben Aicha Zied. I was born in family where love, mutual understanding and friendship not simply the words written on a paper is principles of a life.

    So, in 03/06/1975, in the city of Monastir (Tunis) which is on coast of the mediterranean sea, I was born. Till five years was under trusteeship of the parents. When to me it was executed six, I have gone to school in which has studied till twelve years. Then, I have acted in college where it was trained while to me was not executed twenty. The termination of college comes to the end with delivery of national examination by results of which we become bachelors and we choose higher educational establishment for development of the future trade. I had been chose university " Fac de såience " which I planned to finish and become the teacher on mathematics. But, having studied there two years, I have come to a conclusion, that it not to what I wanted to devote all life. As the system of our formation does not allow us to change the trade chosen earlier or an educational institution, I could not continue training in Tunis. It also has served as the reason of my study abroad. After long searches, my choice has stopped on one of higher educational establishments of Ukraine about whom I have learned from advertising in magazine. Having familiarized with all conditions of training and residing I have decided to act in Donetsk national technical university, on mechanical faculty, on a speciality technology of mechanical engineering.

    My student's life began from studying Russian at preparatory faculty. After delivery of entrance examinations, me have distributed in group where I was one foreigner. To adapt firstly was difficult, but aspiration to reach the purpose put by me, to finish university and it is good to master the chosen speciality, has helped me to accustom and even to begin the honours pupil during all training at University.

    Now I am engaged in studying of materials which in a consequence will help to write to me masters dissertation on a theme " the Analysis and synthesis of geometry of gear gearing sprocket-batten drive and perfection of their manufacturing ".

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