Donetsk national technical university      Masters of DNTU      Search system of DNTU

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Master The electrical department

Specialty - Electromechanical systems of automation and the electric drive

Scientific leader: Alexey Svetlichniy, Candidate in Technical Sciences, the docent.

Results of the search         Masters work          Individual task          References          Library

I was born on February 19, 1982 in Donetsk.

My father - Vladimir Chestnih, 1951 of a birth - the miner with more than thirty-year experience, the veteran of work, the gentleman of the Award of Miner's Glory I, II, III, to this day continues to work actively in the coal-mining industry of native city. Mother - Valentine Chestnih, 1951 of a birth, in the past - the worker of trade, at present is the housewife.

I have been directed on training to a comprehensive school ¹ 107 in 1988.

The lessonns passed in a kindergarten, there were not special difficulties with study . The new school ¹ 114 has been constructed in 1991. In this educational institution I have studied up to the eleventh class.

During same time started to be engaged from football section where our team has taken the second place at city competitions. In the senior classes i accepted active participation in the organization and carrying out of public actions - concerts, games of Club Cheerful and Resourceful. Repeatedly occupied prize-winning places on regional and city competitions. In 9 - 11 classes I has been appointed by the commander of school branch at military - sports competitions where in spring of 1999 had been occupied a honourable first place.

I took part in Olympiads on computer science and the English language. From the eighth class studied the French language, but the big successes in its development has not reached.

In 1999 i left school with distinction.

I engaged on preparatory courses on mathematics that helped at receipt in high school. In the summer of 1999 became a student of DSTU.

I have received the bachelor's degree on a speciality "Electromechanical systems of automation and the electric drive" in 2003. Now I continue training in a magistracy. After the ending of study I intend to work in the heavy industry.

Results of the search         Masters work          References          Library