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("Transnational Corporations")
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Introduction to IB. MNE and the Theory of Competitive Advantages

All definitions (direct investment, domestic company, international company, multinational company). What is MNE. MNE and its interchangeable synonyms: MNC, global company, WWC. MNE advantages over the pdomestic companies.

In lectures: international contractor. What is MNE and what is competitive advantage. General and multinational competitive advantages of MNE. MNE’s peculiarities. Ways to utilize competitive advantages including internalization as well as vertical and horizontal integration (exports, contracting, partially owned direct investment, wholly owned direct investment). Essence of strategic alliance.

The Theory of International Trade and Investment

MNE’s behavior at each stage of international product cycle. Competitive advantage theory: general and multinational competitive advantages.

Balance of Payments

In a textbook: difference between financial and real assets. Merchandise trade and XR dynamics).

In lectures: comprehend definitions of BOP and BOP measures, namely, trade balance, balance on goods and services, current account balance, basic balance, official settlements balance. BOP deficit implications for MNEs. Mechanisms of automatic adjustment applicability. How can BOP deficit be “financed” (sources)?

Forex markets and instruments

Eurocurrency. Direct and indirect quotations, Continental and American basis. International money markets. How does de/revaluation differ from de/appreciation? SDR: who issues them and purposes.

In lectures: five groups of FE market players. Forwards, futures, options, swaps. Open, short, long, and closed positions. Speculation, hedging, arbitrage (2- and 3-way, intertemporal). Equations: PPP, international Fisher effect, interest parity. Exchange risk definition. Four strategies to deal with exchange risk. The basic rule for 2- and 3-way arbitrage. What is international monetary system? Difference between national money and capital markets.

National Trade and Investment Policies. Barriers to International Trade and Investment

In a textbook: quality of life, standard of living, comprehend the following terms: most favored nation, punitive tariff, voluntary agreement, examples of non-tariff barriers.

Reasons to erect trade&investment barriers. Ways to circumvent barriers. Dumping.


In a textbook: expropriation, confiscation, boycott, embargo, exchange controls (forms), operating risk, transfer risk. Differences between civil and common law. Arbitration and its advantages over litigation while resolving disputes in IB. Residential and territorial approaches in taxation.

Culture and Ethics

What is culture in terms of international business? Cultural differences affecting managerial effectiveness. Self-reference criterion (SRC). Business ethics.

Strategy and Organisation Structure

What is strategy for MNE? Stages of strategic management process. Classic organization structures: ethno-, poly- and geocentric. Pay attention to differences between then and best applicability of each.

The virtual corporation: key characteristics, definitions, early glimpses (predecessors), and drawbacks. The horizontal corporation: key seven elements, what functions can and what cannot be given to self - managing teams, steps sequence to create a HC.

Accounting and Taxation

What is an affiliate and what is a subsidiary on U.S. accounting point of view? How does a conversion loss differ from a translation loss? Calculation of both conversion and translation gains/losses to be inserted into the consolidated financial reports. Foreign currency translation methods comprehend, both current and temporal methods (what kinds of XRs are used). Dividends’ accounting: cost method and the equity method.

Rules for preparation of the consolidated reports for U.S. MNEs. Cumulative translation adjustment. Foreign tax credit essence. Relationships between transaction exposure and conversion gains/losses.

How to charge transfer prices to minimise taxes paid?

Financial Management and Control in the International Firm

Sources and uses of funds for MNE. Definition of political risk. What does include political risk? Essence of expropriation, confiscation, foreign property fade-out, domestication. Methods for dealing with political risk. Currency inconvertibility.

Methods of moving funds internationally within the MNE. Exchange risk management: what are the transaction, translation and economic risks? Examples. The best hedging technique selection based on the minimum costs criterion.

Control within the MNE over capital budgeting decisions. Interest rate swap provisions.

Personnel Management

MNE’s personnel manager need to examine while recruiting new employees. . .

Costs considerations while using expatriates. What issues must know in details the MNE’s personnel manager? Criteria that are crucial for the foreign assignment. Technical knowledge of a business, past experience, area expertise as criteria for foreign assignment. Allowances in expatriate’s compensation package.

Industrial Relations

Definition of: industrial relations, bargaining unit, voluntarism, collectivism, fraternalism, individualism, integrity, industrial conflict, authority, the management’s right to manage, industrial conflict, industrial action, communal and non-communal industrial conflict; collective and managerial, organised and unorganised industrial actions (work-in, sit-in, go-slow, work-to-rule, lockout, layoff, overtime ban, absenteeism, strike-breaking).

Topics covered by labour contract.

The unitary, pluralistic and Marxist approaches to organisation and to industrial relations. Industrial conflict resolution principles under the pluralistic approach to industrial relations. Use of coercion toward the trade union under the unitary approach may be well supplemented by. . .

Input-output model of industrial relations – comprehend. What is the “functional” industrial conflict according to this model and what is the key output? Dunlop’s industrial relations system approach – the elements.

The most appropriate (from the MNE’s management point of view) industrial relations attitude towards business goals.

The human resource management approach towards industrial relations emphasises. . .