Ukranian version

Russian version

Maria M. Pavelko

Faculty of Economics and Management
Master of International Economics Department




I was born on the 30th of january in 1982 in Donetsk. My parents are Pavelko Tatiyana A. and Pavelko Michael M. I got so many fortunate memories about my childhood. The happiest memory is birth of my brother. His name is Anton. Nowadays he is my best friend.

Years At School

In 1989 I began my study in the secondary school #18 where I was studying till 8 form. In 1996 I continued my study at Donetsk technical college. During my study in the college I took part in different pupils’ competitions, and won some of them.

University times

In 1999 I graduated college and got a silver medal for successful study. I’ve continued my education in Donestk State Academy of Management. As my specialization I’ve chosen international economy. During my education I took part at different students competitions. In 2003 I got a degree of bachelor of international economics and continued my education in Donetsk national technical university.

Future plans

Now I'm writing my masters work. The topic of my work is "The analisys of functional enterprises with foreign investment". Penkova I.V. is my superviser. My choice isn't casual. I choose this topic because I'd worked in such enterprise. I liked this work very much and my future career will be bound with such work.