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Masters of DonNTU

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Serov Roman

Serov Roman



Theme of masters work

Improvement of system of planning at the enterprise

The author's abstract

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rus ua
You necessarily will make it, if will believe - that can make it
(Napoleon Hill)

I was born in Donetsk, Ukraine in 1982 July, 19.

My mum, Serova Raisa Aleksandrovna, the manager of pulmonology branch of hospital 24. Father, Serov Alexander Ivanovich, the engineer - metallurgist on education.

My life was very interesting and sated with the earliest childhood.

When to me was three years, me have sent in young school. First I very much would not like, however then there very much it was pleasant to me. In young school in my consciousness the huge love to sports has woken up. After to me it was executed four years, I have gone on sports gymnastics. I was more than outside of sports I do not remember about today.

Excessive I think to write the various histories which have happened with me in a kindergarten. I shall note only that in 5 years I knew already the multiplication table and has learned to read on words, and at the end of training I have received the letter for the excellent termination of preschool rates on sports gymnastics. It has enabled me to arrive in sports school.

As I to choose the destiny was yet in the right in sports school I have not got, and have gone to study in the most usual school 37 Lenin areas.

So school!!!

When to me was 6 years we with parents have moved, and this school for me was in every respect another's. However it at all has not confused me. Due to the excellent knowledge in mathematics and the literature, I quickly could find common language with everything, and quickly join collective.

The period from the second on the fourth class have passed it is ordinary. Upon termination of the fourth class I have received the red diploma (with distinction) about the termination of elementary grades.

Turning-point in my life became the fifth class, at this age in me started to be laid the foundation that person whom I now am. First, at distribution on classes I was directed to a physical and mathematical class. Very strong knowledge on basic disciplines for each economist (mathematics, computer science, and even economy) have allowed to receive it to me. Second, in the fifth class I all the same started to study at sports school on a class of game kinds of sports, in particular handball (in parallel with reception of education at usual school). The fifth class was remembered for me also by that I have received the first three in a quarter, it was for me the present tragedy.

Since the seventh class, I started to participate in public life of school, became a member of team , the captain of handball teams and as has made the first steps on a theatrical stage. Then for me it was simple hobby, I and could not present, that in the future I with it shall collide seriously. In thirteen years I have read the first economic book - How to do business in Europe. I her in the subsequent have re-read some more time, but I can tell, what exactly the first perusal rendered on me very big impression.

Since the eighth class, I started to go from many competitions on handball, both in structure of combined team of Lenin area, and in structure of combined team of Donetsk. In the eighth class the first medal and a rank of the champion of Donetsk area, and as a rank of the best bomber tournament with 47 hammered balls was won.

In 1996 at school the Republic Kind was created Has put, in which schoolboys alongside with teachers solved questions of development of school. Selection of schoolboys was carried out by voting of teachers, me have put forward responsible for realization of sports actions and development of physical training. Since the ninth class, I began on, though also not so serious, but managing post. To speak about that I was good or bad with it consulted, I shall not begin, I shall tell only, that in 1997 (in the tenth class) me have appointed the deputy director of Republic on social life of school.

Since the tenth class, me the school stage has overcome. Sometimes it seemed to me, that on it I carried out time more, than behind a school desk. Then I have understood, that in any business the precise organization and good planning is important, it further to the full and has designated my desire to receive economic formation. And though I realized, that will act uneasily, I all the same have decided. Though I knew, that after the ending of sports school I cannot act in institute of physical culture, I understood, that sports for me are very strong hobby, but as not business of life.

So, in 1999 for me last bell has sounded, final has passed on very high level. I have received the certificate about ending school 37, practically perfectly well (one four), and in parallel the certificate about the ending of sports school with a gold medal, me the rank of the judge of the third category, the children's trainer was given and the second adult category on handball is given.

Also time has come to make a choice. It has fallen on economic faculty of Donetsk State technical university. Documents June, 20 were handed over, I should pass interview in mathematics. As I have finished a physical and mathematical class, where the mathematics was the basic subject (3 pairs per one week), and taught mathematics the finest teacher Ivan Petrovich ShChigolev, to hand over interview has not made for me any work. So I student DonGtU (nowadays DonNTU).

September, first - day of the beginning of new life by duration of 5 years.

If it is fair, the first year of training has very strongly disappointed me, I did not learn something new and really useful. Therefore the first rate for me has passed boringly enough and languidly, but there were also pluss. On the first rate my dream to play football has come true, I became the basic goalkeeper of a combined team of university on mini-football from which I managed to become the champion of city. I also became a member of team ÑFF of our faculty.

In the subsequent my amateur football career has developed in very serious career and if not the trauma comprehended me in one of games, can be I would go and is farther. Despite of successes in public life of university, study always was for me in the foreground. From the third rate the subjects directly connected to economic attitudes at last began to be taught.

At the end of the third rate of me father has taken to work to itself on firm. Activity of firm had an innovational orientation, in sphere metallurgical. My duties included data processing of skilled experiments, and their ordering. For years of the work, I began one of the developer of the several inventions patented according to the Law " About patenting in Ukraine ". I took part in a spelling of clauses on problems resources, published in magazines "Steels " and "Metallurgist". Thus, in the activity I have closely collided questions of innovational activity, and as with questions of investment. At the end of the fourth rate the opportunity to apply the economic knowledge was presented me. It was entrusted to me to develop and legalize papers on reception of the credit. So I wrote my the first in life the present business - plan.

So, since the third rate, I already could combine the knowledge received by me at university with practice received on work. Then, I started to reflect on the big discrepancy of theoretical knowledge with real economic processes and economic attitudes. Much did not coincide or was very strongly simplified. But how to correct position I did not imagine. Have especially borrowed me questions of employment of youth and youth business.

At the end of the fourth rate together with my classmate and the friend, the idea to create such organization which could help university in above named questions has appeared. On behalf of the assistant to the dean, Kravchenko Sergey Ivanovicha, support was received, and work began from studying these questions and the organization of such structure which could solve them. Since June, 2003 and finishing the beginning of 2004 the spadework was conducted, and January, 21, 2004 the order 771 Regional departments of justice registered youth public organization "Synergy " by which member of Board I began.

The certain positive results in work of the organization are at present achieved, the material resources is adjusted, the personnel is picked up, and the program of training’s under the name " the Formula of Success " is organized.

I want to note, that correct distribution of time and precise planning of the activity, enable me how to work, and successfully to study. By results of the ending of four rates and reception of the bachelor's degree, I have arrived in magistracy DonNTU, and I continue there successfully to study. With a theme of the masters works I was defined on the third rate, I think, that successful planning, and main precise and rigid, is capable to result the enterprise in success. For this reason, I have chosen a theme " Perfection of system of planning at the enterprise on an example of " Scientific - information technological center Ukrcolormet " which worker I am. The head of my work the professor, the doctor of economic sciences - Strelets Anatoly Ivanovich who many years deals with problems of administrative systems at the enterprises, and has huge both theoretical, and practical experience.

The author's abstract

The Electronic library
