Gavrilenko B.V.

UKR    RUS   






Gavrilenko Boris Vladimirovich

Date and place of birth - July, 9, 1953, the city of Lugansk.
Work Status - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Energomechanics and Automation, Associate Professor of the Faculty “Mining Electrical Engineering and Automatics ".
The scientific degree of Candidate of Technical Science was awarded in 1986.
The academic status of Associate Professor was given in 1992.
Office phone – 304-96-43, 91-07-26
Contact phone – 304-96-43, 91-08-73
The address for correspondence - 58, Artyom Street, Donetsk, 83000, Ukraine.

      The range of professional interests includes the development of measuring converters and means of technological processes parameters control, including devices of nondestructive ultrasonic check as well as the creation of means and systems of automatic control and regulation in mine heat-power engineering with the application of energy-saving technologies and microcomputer.
      Educational activity is connected with conducting lecture and laboratory classes, course designing on the disciplines – “Fundamentals of Metrology and Measurements”, “Electrical Measurements of Electrical and Nonelectrical Quantities”, "Information Management and Processing Digital Systems", " Metrology, Standardization, Certification and Fundamentals of Measurements", “Technological Measurements and Devices in Mining Industry”, “Information Theory”, "Electrical Equipment and Power Supply of Underground Mining" “Electric Drive and Power Supply of Underground Mining”, “Production Processes Automation in Mining Industry”.
      As far as his scientific activity is concerned, he is an expert in the field of the development of measuring converters of various physical quantities as well as the devices of noncontact ultrasonic Doppler check of fluid and fine-dyspersated hydromixtures consumption with reference to hydroelectric transport plants of coal mines and distant pipeline transportation systems.
      He has prepared ten holders of a master's degree and more than 100 specialists. He is an author of more than 100 scientific works and two inventions. Laureate of the Prize of Komsomol of Ukraine in the field of science and engineering (1986) and the Prize of the Coal Mining Ministry of Ukraine (1987).

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