Ogolobchenko A.

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Ogolobchenko A.

Ogolobchenko Alexander was born on 11 December, 1959.

In 1982 he graduated Donetsk polytechnical institute on a speciality "Electrification and automatization of mining works".

From 1982 to 1993 - engineer, post-graduate student, younger scientific employee, assistant of the department of mining electrical engineering and automatics (ĢEA).

In 1993 he has defended a thesis on competition for a scientific degree "candidate of technical science" on a speciality 05.13.07 - "Automation of technological processes and works".

Since 1994 Alexander is assistant professor of department ĢEA.

Teaching disciplines

On study reads lecture and will carry outspend laboratory and practical employment on the disciplines: "Automation of periodic and continuous technological processes", "Automation of mining technological processes", "Means of automation", "Microprocessor devices of automation". He supervise students engaged on degree thesis.

Scientific achievements

On scientific work is the expert in the field of automation of processes of hydrotransport and water supply of mining. Alexander is the author of the monography, 48 scientific articles, including 10 inventions.

Is the author of thirteen methodical development and the manual "Means of automation in a mining industry".

Results of scientific development are introduced into manufacture.

 E-mail:  julia@skif.net

Office telephone:  38 (0622) 91-07-26


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