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Zayanchukovskaya Viktoriya

Zayanchukovskaya Viktoriya, 2004

Faculty of Geotechnologies and Production management
Cathedra of activities for environmental protection.

Theme of diploma thesis :
«Fundaments and alaboration of complex measure
for the minimization of hurmful influence
in environmental a coal company».

Superviser Àrtamonov Vladimir Nikolaevich.

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My family

I was born in Donetsk in 1982 as a result of the Love of my parents: Zayanchukovskiy Valentin and Zayanchukovskaya Nataliya. My father finished his studies in Vinnitsa Politechnical Institute and was directed for work to Donetsk in SRICA (a scientific research institute of complex automation) where he got acquainted with my mother. My mother worked as an engineer-technologist. I have one sister who is called Inna Zajanchukovskaja. She is a student of 2-nd course at the Kiev Institute of bank affairs.

Kindergarten and school years.

I was growing up as a healthy, active child and I spent a half of my childhood in the Western of Ukraine with my grandmother and other relatives in Chernovitsk region, in pinturesque places. There, all summer I was catching butterflies and I made the whole collection of them. After kindergarten I went to school ¹ 57 in Donetsk, where I have been studying up to 9th form. Since first classes I have distinguished from other children, for example I could write the homework with the colour pencils, while my parents did not see, but, in general, I studied well, almost on only five (on five-point system). I liked subject in which was necessary to think, to argue, to come to any conclusions. My favourite subjects were mathematics, Russian Literature, geography. The teacher of Russian Literature advised me to become a journalist, as she was impressed with my compositions, but this had not happened. In the 8-th form I have got the first place in the region olimpiad on geography.

After the 8-th form I entered a Donetsk Liceum "Intellect". There, the teachers wanted to create from us, by all means, clever and well-educated persons. They "moulded and moulded", but, in the end I ran away in 11-th form at school-educational complex ¹ 1, of Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk. And I also did not regret because I have got very good friends and Knowledges.

From 5-th form I was engaged in synchronous swimming. Trainings were daily and heavy, as in the course of time I joined the team of Donetsk region. I took part in Cup of Ukrain, here I have earned the first money which I received for perfomances at competitions. As there was not enough time for study, I left professional sport, and a month later my team received CSM (Candidate for Sport Masters) at competitions. In general, I left it to study at the wrong Time.

It is truth and it gleases that in study I was "clever and sharp". In 10-th class I actively took part in Olimpiads, I got the first place in the city Donetsk on law, the first place in the city on geography, and the 3-rd place in the region on geography. Maybe, just that influenced my choice of a speciality at University on the direction of "Ecology". It appeared the desire to protect our environment from human activity. I chose by myself the Institute in which I was going to study. In general, at first I wanted to become fashion designer, becouse since my childhood I liked to model clothes, and to sew, but for this purpose it was necessary to go to Kiev, this is why I did not decide to do it.

Choice Universit and studies.

My parents did not advised me at all where to stude, explaining that what I had to study depended on me, therefore the choice was in me. I chose Donetsk Technical University because I had non doubt: "Just here, they will give me a very good knowledge". It was easy for me to study, and practically I got excellent in all the exams. On the first course, the group chose me as the responsible and I tried all the 5 years so as that they would not regret about it. On the 2-nd course I understood that one speciality was not enough for me, so I wanted to get economic education. Therefore I went to the faculty of retraiting of professionals where I received a second higer education on speciality "Finance and credit". In 2003 I defended my Bachelor work on the topic: "Finance Stability and Liquidation of companies and the way for their increase". On the 5-th course I was awarded as the Head of the city of Donetsk Alexander Lukjanchenko for high indicators in studies and active participation in social life of University.

The topic of master's thesis was: "Fundaments and alaboration of complex measure for the minimization of harmful influence in environmental a coal company". I chose Artomonov Vladimir Nicolaevich as leader, in first turn, because he is an excellent and expert specialist in his activity, he is very optimistic, so as to get solution to all the questions and he distinguishes from other techers in particular because he is cheerful and in general on excellent person in quality. The theme of thesis in very topical for the city of Donetsk. I hope that its results will be used in practice.

Besides studies I played sport. I am member of the University team for swimming. At the same time, whil I was studying in University, I finished the school of model "Elit Model Millenium" as a photomodel in 2003. In 2002 I finished the course of pedagogue-organizator and I can work with kids in children's camps and improvement health's camps. I already study 5 years of notraditional methods for health improvement, psychological influence in the organism and ohters, they were pruved in myself, my parents and friends. Nowadays I study Christianityin particular Catholicism, and in 2002 I became Catholic. This fact was very important becouse it helped me to determine my point of view in life.

Between my plans in the future, first of all, I want to develop my personality, as I consider that all time a person must become better in everything. I hope that the knowledge obtained in University will be a good help on the way of my life.


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