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Viatcheslav Kourktchi, 2004

Viatcheslav Kourktchi

master's degree competitor (faculty of computer engineering and computer science)
research teacher:
Yuri Ladyzhensky

master's work topic:
Parallel algorithms for graph problems solving.


At the beginning...
School years
Elder school
Future arrangement

     At the beginning…
     In ninth of May in 1982, almost all Donetsk citizens celebrated Victory Day. Why not all people celebrated? Because Your humble servant was born at about 19:00, and nearly marred medical personal pleasure. By the way, it was 6th city hospital of Donetsk.
     I was born in a student's family. My father, Kourktchi Andrew, studied in Donetsk polytechnic institute (now Donetsk National University) on the faculty of Automated Management Systems. Mother, Kourktchi Helen, nee Koshelev, studied in Donetsk State University (now Donetsk National University) on the faculty of biology in absentia and worked in Kalinin hospital as nurse: she had time to graduate a medical college. My parents were very widely read persons by my birth, and they did not lose their love of book by now.
     Then, however, and now too, they did not have enough free time, so they used to use every possibility to read. Therefore, there are books to the left and to the right of my head in a pram, when "we" walked. These books parents have read during stops, if I gave them such possibility. Maybe that determined my future love to books.
     Children learn how to speak, when they repeat heard words. Someone of my relatives read me every day, and they spoke with me. As a result - I pronounce my first word when I was six month old and clear speech appeared when I was one and half year old.
     Then my grandfather started to teach me reading: when he was trying to read a paper, I sat opposite him and ask him: "Grandpa, what letter is that? And what letter is that?" Therefore, I started read on my own when I was two.
     Altogether, I am very lucky person and I have very good family. I have luck not only with my parents, although their share in my education was far greater, than it was from someone else, but with grandmother and grandfather - Koshelevs Michael and Ija. All that people give answers on unlimited number of my questions "what", "how", "for what" and "why". They have never refused me attention even they were greatly busy. I know that many children simply generate many questions, but think, how many from them get answers to all of their questions.

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     School years
     My parents could send me to preparatory class attached to a kindergarten (by the way, ¹319 - "Snoeflake"), but refused. They decided, that during first class at school I’ll learn the same information, and “early illness” can grow a huge lazy. I still wonder at their sagacity!
     So, as it should be, my school life had begun when I was 7 (1989). In a first day at school I was asked about my future profession. I answer, that I want to be a president.
     First class, first teacher, first excellent and first unsatisfactory (but as I remember it was not in first class ). It was very fun and interesting. But my physical training was awful and I evanesced from time to time for a long period. I think it’s enough to understand what attitude I had with my coevals. In addiction to that I always have particular point of view to our world.
     Time passed, and I divide all people to the bad and all other. Bad people were those who smoked, drank, used abuse in their language and didn’t live me alone. I didn’t communicate with such people. On the one hand, it was of use: I don’t smoke, drink and abuse even now.. On the other hand, children can’t understand such aloofness, and that make my communication with normal children very difficult. So my coeval relations was almost abortive.

     My parents was very worried about it and they try to change situation but no one from their try wasn’t successful. Especially, after my residuary friends came upon bad influence of elder guys
     To the fifth or sixth class I abandoned external world. Maybe children-recluse isn’t best childhood? But I was content. It gave me possibility to read very much and think about delivered.
     So, except my parents I was reared by Bradbury and Heinlein. Undoubtedly, fiction is not appropriate literature for child because classic keep eternal values. Mum insisted on classic and dilute my literary passion by Boulgakov’s and Chehov’s works.
     However, I read not all fiction. I am very fastidious. Not too fastidious I think, but enough to avoid “forgery”. Therefore I dare to suppose that the most part of delivered books will become classical. At least, my favorite book – “451 by Fahrenheit” - is already included in school program.

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     Elder school
      The study was given to me not bad. The unloved subject - physical culture, liked - all the rest, as it is strange. I never be an excellent pupil, but it was the question rather laziness, than abilities. In sixth class I have ceased making home tasks, even under the literature because I can read only interesting for me now. Till now it is not clear to me, how it is possible to read what is necessary. And in general, at school it was boring, it seemed, that all that we can learn in two or three times faster.
      But it is fault not of the teachers, but system. But the teachers were best. Unfortunately, is far from being all pupils it recognized. Some till now do not recognize the so obvious fact.
      And for me the teacher is equivalent sacred. Is not simply clear, as it is possible to not respect the person, which knows and ready to share the knowledge. I don't know, whether teachers felt it, but my attitudes with them always were best.

      In the seventh class in my life have come " his majesty " computer. Now it is ridiculous to remember its configuration, but then it was a pinnacle of desires. For work it, certainly, wasn't used: it was simply a large and expensive toy.
      Computer is related with infamous fact of my biography - amount of books read by me during this period was not enough. It last some years and, unfortunately, irreplaceably, but after that I have paid attention to the classical literature, my new tutors was Hugo, Rollan, again Boulgakov, Pikul, Kozma Prutkov, Shakespeare and others.

      In the eleventh class, there was one incident. So has turned out, that the decision of tasks on computer science on our parallel to me was possible bettly, therefore, me have sent on a regional olympiad. The olympiad has passed disgustingly, it seemed, that my work should receive forty points, but as you understand, it is obvious a little. A bit later, at a lesson of computer science, the teacher congratulates me on the engaged first place! "Indeed nobody has received more than forty points?” Is was only idea, however, stated aloud, which has come in that moment in my head. The answer was even more interesting: "And you have received only twenty". As for a regional olympiad it was necessary to receive more than seventy points, there me have not let. And the computer has ceased to be a toy.

      On final prom, me surprise as one more deed (first was on computer science) - for successes in study of the French literature. Will not superfluous tell that to the present moment school ¹ 115 have announced specialized on foreign languages. However, during my education it was considered as a school of general education, but only officially. We have pared down programs in many subjects, for increase amount of hours of French language. During education at school, we learn not only French language: we learn regional geography, technical translation, business French and French literature. My mum joked, that we are prepared for espionage.
      As a summary, I would like to thank all those, who taught me. Believe, my teachers have deserved it.

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      After school there was a question: where to enter? I had some propensities and desires: I wanted to be the lawyer, wanted to be engaged in computers and to be a philosopher. However, I had to choose! We have stopped on programming. Do you want to know the reasons? To become a good lawyer, it is necessary to conclude the contract with conscience, which did not disturb. Where were guarantees, what I am able to do so? And the philosopher is not absolutely specialty.
      There were computers. The father offered to go on his way, but I never liked a smell of rosin. To assort something to me liked only in childhood, that is to dig with details - is not for me. It remained only one way – to “press keys”. I want to notice, that my parents were ready to agree with any my choice.
      To programming in Donetsk well teach only in one place: DonNSU, faculty of computer engineering and computer science. Here I entered. Though the receipt, is the whole history: the school that was humanitarian, and the high school technical – so I should learn mathematics. One month prior to entrance examinations, the parents have employed of the tutor. It was the month of a hell, as it was necessary to pass all school rate of mathematics anew. The process of the decision of tasks did not interrupt even in dreams! But I had entered.

      During all first rate damnations to the schools from me were simply strewed, though almost nobody knew about it. It was very difficult. First, after school, there was a habit to learn with lazy, and here flow of the information was huge. But what was a trouble: knowledge of mathematics didn’t suffice disastrous, because the tutor prepared me purposefulness for examinations, and all rest was remained not studied.
      Only rescue was discrete mathematics, and in general all subjects, which we learned "from zero". But discrete mathematics, especially rgaph theory has struck me up to depth of soul.
      Vacation between the first and second rates I have devoted to study of mathematics. It helped: beginning from the second rate, I have become honours student. This status I keep till now.
      As a rust from brains it was necessary to be shed, habitual inquisitiveness has awaken, and already lecturers should answer to sets of questions. Especially, many questions fallen to lecturer of discrete mathematics share.

      On the second rate there was a first attempt to optimize classical algorithm - Bron-Kerbosh algorithm. Lecturer of basis of discrete mathematics, Yuri Ladyzhensky, was pleasant. Further it is not stale, as I needed to learn other subjects, but my records have remained with him.
      On the third rate, Mr. Ladyzhensky has approached to me and told, that he has come across my records and has decided, that they can be developed to competitive work. Was not clear, what it could mean, but refusing was seemed inappropriate. To that there were two reasons: my sights on the teachers were distributed to the lecturers, that means that if the lecturer tells it is necessary, it is really necessary, and secondly, I saw a way to find out more about the graphs!
      This history was finished by the second place in university and incentive letter All-Ukrainian competition of student's scientific works. After that, Mr. Ladyzhensky has seriously offered to cooperate with him, and my pleasure did not know verges. So, on the third rate I began the scientific activity.

      At the end of the fourth rate, I have received the barchelor's degree of computer sciences with distinction. For "with distinction" it was necessary to correct mistakes of the first rate, easier speaking, repeated an examination on physics.
      Now I learn in magistracy. The topic of my master’s work completely coincides that it is interesting to me to investigate. Initially, it sounded a little differently, but my research teacher, finding out about my intention to enter in post-graduate course, has decided, that, in order to prevent problems in the future, it is necessary to add to a topic one more word. Such updating has resulted to only to that if all will go by the plan to protect the dissertation it will be possible not leaving walls of native university - on a new topic in DonNSU there is a scientific council. And the essence of a topic, by the way, has not changed.

      But I have nearly forgotten about the main! For the first rate, has come thaw in my attitudes with coevals. All has taken it’s place. Probably, the childhood was finished!

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     Future arrangement
      If I have offered something to change in my past life, I think, that would leave all by such, with what it was. It is not known, what person wrote these lines, if my life flew on other channel. I like my sights on the modern world, modern culture. These sights in most cases still do not coincide with sights environmental. Only now it has become the reason of our discussions, that only diversify our dialogue.
      To the present moment at me it is no doubt that the humanitarian school before technical HIGH SCHOOL it simply is wonderful. You see, it has allowed me to not become absolute "technical man", that is I have enough of knowledge about art, literature, music. Whom I could meet until now, we always had topics for conversations. And it seems, that exceptions of this rule will be very little in the future.

      And in general, me quite arrange my behavior, acts, sights and rest too. The people without lacks do not happen, and estimating myself, in my opinion, it should be taken into account. To be arranged under somebody in my plans for the nearest life does not enter. For me opinion only of very narrow circle of people is important, but it does not mean my readiness to follow any their whims. As to other people, sometimes their opinion is possible not take into account. Certainly, I do not have the right to not take into account opinion of the people, which I know and I respect, but if our opinions on any questions miss, it does not become object of my experiences.
      For this reason, my clothes cause in many feeling, at least, bewilderment. Only do not draw in the imagination something multi-color, with color scale of a traffic light. To me on soul of dark tone and classical forms – many people surprises just last.
      I can tell that me many consider me strange (if not more), and it is not only because of my system of sights, but also my plans for the future.
      And the plans at me would suffice even to Napoleon. First, it would be advisable to become the good scientist, to make opening and to receive the patent. Secondly, my dream is - castle on an island, where is audible only singing of birds and rustle of a neighboring wood. Stable and the place for stroll will not be superfluous. Well and certainly it is impossible to do without a large hall - laboratory with one large multiprocessor computer and several smaller - for large and small experiments.
      My plans, actually, are much more extensive, but opening them is not seems pertinent. I shall tell only, that the castle is not end in itself: to have an opportunity to buy the castle, means to have an opportunity to make much more.

      And the president I do not want to be any more: in my opinion, it is very boring and routine work. I need something interesting and fascinating.

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