Pavliy Vitaliy, 2002

Biographical particulars:

First Name Pavliy
Last Name Vitaliy
Date of birth On March, 5, 1982
The birthplace Donetsk
Group VT-99
Qualification master
Direction Computer
Domestic address 83120, Donetsk,
Street. N.Ostrovsky,
Phone (062) 334-61-39

Pavliy Vitaliy

Theme of master thesis:
"Protection of the information on the basis of FLASH-memory"

I was born on March 5, 1982 in Donetsk city. My father - Pavliy Alexander Anatolievich - building engineer, mother - Pavliy Svetlana Viktorovna - bookkeeper. I am obliged by them, and my grandmother - Suslova Anastasiya Prokopyevna with my happy and cloudless childhood. The childhood it is most surprising time in life of any man. My childhood not exception. At this time I had receive new impressions new sights on the world. I did not go in a children's garden, because the parents have decided so, but I has early learned to read and to write. I have gone in school ¹ 30 at 7 years old. Surprisingly, but I had a please to study, since the first class. Probably, it has helped me to finish the first 3 classes on "excellent". I have shown the special interest to exact sciences, especial to a radio engineering. In the senior classes and some time visited a school radiocircle. I considered, that the radio engineering becomes my basic speciality, till the 9th class. But...

A new subject - computer science has appeared to us from 10 class. Petrenko Larysa Petrovna, one of my favorite teachers - was the teacher of it. She has interested me in theses subject so, that I have forgotten about hobby in a radio engineering. I began to visit additional lessons of computer science. Soon I was convinced, that knowledge in bases of computer engineering - great business. Larysa Petrovna has helped me with a choice of my future speciality. She has interested me in computers.

The choice of faculty for me was rather simple. I have tried to combine both hobbies, and advice of the parents has played an important role. I have passed examination on mathematics on "4" and was enlisted in Donetsk State Technical University (nowadays Donetsk National Technical University) on faculty of electronic computers on a speciality "Computer engineering" in 1999. As to me it was pleasant to study at once; new conditions new distinct from school rules. I was already potentially prepared for the majority of subjects. I strongly was helped by my knowledge in bases of a radio engineering at study of hardware disciplines, and program - initial experience in computer science. But at me was smaller of experience of programming, than experience in the field of the equipment on the first - second rate.

I has opportunity has appeared to show the knowledge in 2003. I was invited for participation in Ukrainian Olympiad of the computer, which was spent in the Kharkov National University of RadioElectronics (KNURE). I have occupied then the third place and was awarded with the diploma of the winner. The rector of DonNTU Minaev A.A., personally has handed over me gratitude for participation in Olympiad, when I have returned home.

I was interested by problems of protection of the information and software from illegal distribution to the beginning 4 rates. I have decided to devote the Research Job of the Student (RJS) to discussion of the basic methods of protection of the information, their advantages and lacks. Ivanov Alexander Jurievich, the senior lecturer of faculty of the computer became the chief by mine RJS. I have received the Red bachelor's degree and was enlisted in DonSTU after termination four rates and delivery final exams on "excellent".

After study of known methods of protection of the information, I have decided to continue to develop the given theme in searches of an optimum and not expensive method of protection. This problem also became a theme by mine future master's job, and most likely, will call interest the developers of the professional software, which want to secure the development.

What will be farther? This question is set to itself each man early or late. I do not present the life in the future without computer activity. One of the basic purposes of the nearest future - receipt in a post graduate course. I want to become the teacher, to prepare new generations of the best experts. I realize, what is it large responsibility, but I think, that I shall cope. Further, I should constantly to improve and systematize the knowledge, as the science does not cost on a place, and tirelessly walks forward by large steps. I am going never to stop on achieved, constantly to put before myself all new targets, because the life without the targets loses any sense. And in general - the time will show. As is spoken, that will be, will be... And our business - adequately to meet it...

In begin

The biography is made 07.05.04.