photo Ivanova O.Y.

Ivanova Olga Yurevna
Speciality: "Control Systems automatic"
Master's work:
"Mathematical modelling dynamic
motion 6-feet walking device"
The supervisor: docent, P.A.D. Rafikov G. S.

Ru Ua ДонНТУ Магистратура ДонНТУ Диссертация Ссылки Библиотека Результаты поиска Инд задание

I was born 5.04.1982 in Artemovsk. My parents are Ivanova Ann Nickolarvna and Ivanov Yuriy Konstantinovich.
I grew an active child. I like organization of competitions.
I has gone in 1989 to the first class of school N 11. I was a head class. I liked play basketball, sang, thought of competitions, knitting, drawing.
I entered a physicist-mathematical class and in correspondence school at Moscow physicist-technical institute in the 8th class . I took prize seats on olympiads.
When made off schools decided to act on speciality of control "Control Systems and automatic".
Got the red barchelor's degree. Now I enter in masters school .
My the supervisor of studies Rafikov G.C. and I study of 6-feet walking device. My master work "Mathematical modelling speakers movements 6-feet walking device" Though wheel vehicles now obviously prevail, it is known, that at walking on a unprepared surface essential advantages have walking systems of movement. The difficulties connected to realization in life of idea of active and expedient movement with use of legs, appeared essential and connected with necessity of management of the big number of degrees of freedom providing required kinematic opportunities of the walking device. The big number of controlled degrees of freedom of the device demands complex configuration, analysis walking. The problem of creation of such control system of the device which would be to realize its basic opportunities in a condition is difficult. The control system should provide processing of the information on district, acceptance of decisions on character of movement, the control of their realization. Creation of a control system by the device - the central problem of the walking robot as experience of creation even the most complex systems of automatic control directly cannot be used for construction of a control system by the walking robot. Analysing the results of movement of robot we can anymore know about animals.
Study of robots is the intresting problem. Her study is necessary for mankind.