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Poltava Alexey Aleksandrovich 2001 ã.

   Poltava Aleksey Aleksandrovich

   Faculty : CITA

   Speciality Telecommunication Systems and Networks


Theme of masters work: Analysis and elaboration of hardware and software facilities for using open communicational technologies in distributed control systems.

Supervisor:Horhordin Aleksandr Vladimirovich

And now about myself…

Kinder Garden

   I was born at 26's of January in 1982. I was quiet child and my teachers never pay too mach attention to me. But sometimes I behave like a hooligan. Visiting kindergarten I understood many things but have done not enought.


   At seven I went to school number 32 in Donetck city. In school I took part in sport competitions and different school events. I tried to study well. Time passed and I finished school.


   In September 1999 I passed exams to Donetsk Technical University. I choose speciality "Telecommunication systems and networks". I find out that here I can study useful subjects. During my university course I studied Photoshop, HTML, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, Delphi, Linux, databases Sybase and Oracle, 3DStudio, Video, sound editors and some others at my own. Of course I pay attention to foreign languages (English and Deutch).

   After reception of the bachelor's degree I solved finally how to formulate a direction of the researches. Also I decided to get a highe technical degree. It was possible to communicate with docent Horhordin A. V. during two months. It also affected the further researches. Industrial networks was a subject of teaching. So I decided to get this topic for my work for masters degree. If You are looking for mor information about industrial automation then You can get animation that describes process of industrial hardware installation. It is avilable from here. It is in rar.

   I worked with this topic and found interesting solutions. During my course, I have got theoretical and practical skills and now I use them actively at performance of the student's research work on the theme.

   And about future of this speciality. What can I say- it is useful and popular.

   I will tell you about my future plans when they became past for me. See you in future :-)

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