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Yaroslavtsev Vladimir Adrianovich

Faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics
Group CSD-99b

Subject of Magistry work: « Research and development genetical algorithms of construction of the tests for digital circuits »

Руководитель: Skobtsov Yu.A.
This is my foto

The autobiography
I was born on May 05, 1982 in city Krasnoarmeysk of Donetsk area. My family consist from:

Father: Yaroslavtsev Adrian Dmitrievich;

Mother: Yaroslavtseva Alvina Alekseevna;

Brother: Yaroslavtsev Igor Adrianovich;

Caught in a kindergarten "Swallow" (probably, most carefree time in life).
After its ending has gone to study in Krasnoarmeysk 2 Comprehensive school I-III of stages, where has received a plenty of base knowledge in all science. At distribution on specific classes has got in physical and mathematical, which one with success has finished in 1997.

In the same year I have entered «Krasnoarmeysk technical Liceum «Nadejda» For what is given very much thanks to destiny and my mother come across me on this thought. During two years of training in Liceum studied a plenty of subjects, many of which we only not for a long time have learnt at university.

In Liceum I have learnt as the science is great, as the capabilities of the person, his knowledge of an ambient actuality and in her are almost borderless, as the friendship is strong. Having elected a route to Donetsk National Technical University on faculty of Computer Information Technologies and Automatics. Where I am teached now, already during five years, during which one has found a plenty of the friends and familiar, has received huge quantity of knowledge, if the knowledge can be metered quantitatively, has taken web-design with Flash-technologies, and also engineering, development and creation of local area networks, set-up of database servers and Internets - servers. I write site of Faculty CITaA http://fkita.donntu.ru/and i have homepage with my verses www.HranitelEFA.h1.ru.

Now, particulate that too early to leave from University and it would be desirable to receive of knowledge I have decided to finish a magistracy.

Subject of my magistry work: «Research and development genetical algorithms of construction of the tests for digital circuits ». In development this subject the huge role is played the scientific chief which one the professor and manager of stand of a MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM Skobtsov Yuriy Aleksandrovich supervises me as magistry.

Personal outlooks

As further outlooks I want be good IT-specialist and web-designer / designer, with achievement of definite altitudes in the market of the specialists. And also education in itself of such qualities as the greater tendency to victory and comprehensive self-perfecting itself as the persons, specialist, person.

As the thesis of my life style, start up there will be this: - «And I already get tired, but I am not tired».

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