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Mechanical faculty

Speciality: the Technologist of mechanical engineering

Theme masters work:the Analysis and synthesis of processes of machining and assembly of details of the hydroequipment on base rotors and rotor-conveyor lines

                                    The head: prof., d.t.s. Mihajlov Alexander Nikolaevich


One of the most light days in one year is the Valentine day. We not always manage to speak every day to the relatives the kindest and gentle words, but this day we admit the warm feelings and we accept recognitions. Probably therefore day is filled something fantastic and raised, in fact " the love rescues the world ".I could not bypass this day the side, it is especial if the holiday drops to such day of week, as sunday. So in 2 o'clock in the afternoon I have decided to admit to mather in love, having appeared on white light.

So, I was born on February, 14, 1982 in small silent city Snezhnoeof Donetsk area. My parents - Leonid Vladimirovich and Taisa Nikolaevna, railway accordingly railway and trading technical schools, - were, as well as the majority of citizens of Soviet Union, the simple workers who in due course not too highly have risen on a service ladder. Probably therefore they since the childhood inspired me, that it is necessary to study, end high school that something worth to achieve in a life. I grew in high-grade amicable family in which the prosperity and well-being was.

Practically since time of my birth we lived with mathers parents in big own house with a beautiful garden. Both mum with the daddy, and the grandmother with the grandfather worked for the blessing of the state, adjusting the plan, being late after change with work, therefore in 1,5 years of me have started to drive in a kindergarten. Memoirs on time which has been lead in a kindergarten, very vague, I remember only morning performances, games, navigation with the big inflatable toys in pool. Children are children, quite often came home with brought down elbows, and in the winter - with full boots of a snow.

In general, I was rather serious and judicious already in the childhood, all named me " the mother's assistant " though I also always liked to observe how the daddy hammers in nails or cuts fire wood.

When I was 5 years (in 1987), my younger sister Katya was born, in her education I tried to take participation too, that came to an end either laughter of parents, or my punishment.

In 1988 in the age of 6 years I have gone to 1-st class as very much wanted to study. Being diligent, always well studied, being pleased with good estimations and praises of teachers as those also brought pleasure and to parents.

Very much the outstanding personality in my memory there was my first teacher Lopej Julia Vasiljevna. Always kind and hospitable, she never was sparing with praise, but also did not love laziness. Was always ready though 100 times same to explain that children have understood. She has accustomed us to assiduity, patience, aspiration to study.

In 1994 when to me there were 12 years, parents have received an apartment, we have moved there, and I had to replace school.I had the new class, new conditions. New friends have appeared quickly, but a track of study for a long time could not join. The new teachers, new requirements, therefore 7 class of the beginning it is not too successful, though before (at the previous school) was the round honours pupil. But it was soon involved, has tightened estimations. Has very much helped the class teacher - mathematics teacher Tereshchenko Tamara Ivanovna which concerned to the pupils as to own children. She quite often abused us, but we always understood, that on business that wishes us only the best and wants to bring up us good people.

As I studied well annually participated in school and city Olympiads in many subjects. The best results (prize-winning places) achieved in mathematics, geography, a history. In 9-th class participated in regional Olympiad on geography, but the prize-winning place has got not to me.

In my sheet always prevailed the five, and in 9-th class I has at all left perfectly well and so, not reducing rate, held before leaving school.

Parents were very much pleased for me and were proud of me, therefore I am not courageous to bring them in any way. Even in awkward age I did not have with them any problems. Parents always understood me, with pleasure helped, if it was in their forces. Certainly, there were conflicts small which turned to the short flashes instantly fading.

Having ended 10-th class, I to reflect began seriously about construction of the further life. Leaving school and receipt in high school (studying in school or technical school there was no even a speech) was necessary. Visiting preparatory courses on mathematics, I prepared for receipt, and already on results of ratings I have been recommended to transfer in DonNTU. Also handed over entrance examinations in the Kharkov Aviation Institute, but a choice has stopped on Donetsk Technical.

So, in 1999 I became the student of Donetsk State Technical University. The destiny which has sent to me of very good schoolmates and teachers at school, has not left me here again. The group has very quickly become friends, and almost in the same structure we have reached finishing 5-th rate. Having entered in this university, at me the opportunity to communicate with the well-known professors, doctors of sciences, senior lecturers who teach here has appeared. They are always ready to share with us, students, the knowledge to help us with a choice of our purposes, in becoming on a true life.

As well as at school, tried to study successfully and at university. Participated in Olympiads inside university. Having in the test book of all a little 4, and on 2-nd rate and at all перейдя on one of five, has received the bachelor's degree with distinction. I shall try, that the diploma of the master also was red.

2003 became for me year of the beginning of tests. It is visible destiny, having given before a lot of good, has decided to balance bowls of weights. Excepting a series of troubles, the destiny has presented me the greatest loss of my life: at me mum has died. But the life proceeded, it was necessary for me to study further. Hands firstly fell, but then I have decided, that should not betray hope of mum at all besides should as it is possible to achieve the greater in a life.

After distribution of students among teachers of faculty appeared, that the head of my degree project is managing faculty - the professor, Dr.Sci.Tech. Mihajlov Alexander Nikolaevich. To me has very much carried, that the opportunity to work with such clever person having set of patents, opening, proceedings was presented.

Having ended 4-th rate and having received qualification of the bachelor, I have received the offer from faculty to study in a magistracy, on what has willingly agreed. Besides, me Automation of manufacture on base rotors and rotor-conveyor lines " was necessary to work above such direction of a science, as ". This way of automation of manufacture is very perspective also I hope, that I shall make the feasible contribution to development of this direction.

Most likely, having ended a magistracy, I shall not continue the scientific activity in postgraduate study though the life will show. But nevertheless I am firmly sure, that I shall try to not remain for a society the grey mouse, and I shall help to rise our industry, to rise to our state on legs.

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