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UKRANIAN  RUSSIAN Malich Alexey 2005
Malich Alexey

Donetsk National Technical University (DNTU)
Faculty :
Electrotechnical (ETF)
Speciality: Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsumption (ESE)
Theme of the work:
Estimation of explosion proof at industrial premises that consided to be dangerous conserning to explosions and fires
Headmaster: Kovalyov Alexandr

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        Onse upon time, on January 18, 1983 was born Malich Alexey Michailovich. It's me. It took place in Velikaya Novoselovka-town, Donetsk region.
      My father is Malich Michail Sergeevich, Greek. He is mechanic, welding specialist and electrician.
      My mother is Malich Valentina Anatolievna, Ukrainian. Her speciality is teather of Mathematic.
      I've got two sisters: Malich Valentina Michailovna, teacher, and Malich Irina Michailovna, school-girl at present.

      As for my early childhood, I could tell a little, practically nothing.
      Before my school I was in the kindergarden "Malysh", Veliconovoselovka-town.

      On 01.09.1989 I enter school №1, Veliconovoselovka-town. That is the place where I got basic knowledge, not only in field of science, but in social sphere too. It was time of my ecquating with teamwork, with discipline, etc. Thought, I assumed to be not so diligent and exemplary person... that period of my life.
      During my studing I took an active part in sport and social life of school. Our school team used to be winner in different sport competition amount of pupils of our town such as basketball, football and others. As for social life I was often leaded of school parties, showers and perfomances. My favourite school subjects were Math,Chemistry, Physics, Physical and Labour Culture. Iwas found of basketball and Dju-Do. Besides my school acting, that time I was up in construction of "elernal engine". Francly speaking the prototype of engine Didn't satisfy my exprections.
      Later on I was infatualed with radioengineering and electroscheme construction.

      By the period of my school study I took part in school competition in the srhere of exact science: Math, Physics, Informatic.
      After finishing school on June, 2000 and passing entrance axams I was taken to Donetsk National Technical Univercity as a student of speciality N 7.090603 "Electrotechnical Systems of Electroconsumption".(ESE)

      Why I did decide enter this establishment? First of all I wanted to get higher technicaleducation in Univercity that is know not only in Ukraine, but in Europe too. Secondary, DNTU is the best institute for getting speciality of "ESE". I really think so.

      First time I was surprised by magnifisent buildings of DNTU, of its infrastrukture. I like its edukational system and especial attitude to students. Iwas encoruraged by dreat number of sport and intellectual faculties where every student could try develope itsown possibilities and realize themselfs a a person. For example, I continue my basketball training in the Univercity.

      Sinse I was at II course I tace part in scientific conferences and subject olympiads amount the students. I win first prize in competition in sphere of Metrology, and second one in field of Semiconductor Engineering.

      In June, 2001 I had a introductional practice at Donetsk Metallurgical Plant where I took fundamental idea of my future occupation.
      Sinse 07.07.03 till 01.08.03 during a period of industrial practice at the institute of Region's ElectroNets of Veliconovoselovka-town, I did myself as hardworking person. That's why I get appreciation from practice chiefofmine.
      Next time I had industrial practice at Donetsk Metallurgical Plant at Electrical Department where I tried to catch all details of my occupation.

      But I wasn't up in studing all the time. In May, 2004 I had an interesting jouney with my friends. We paddled upon Severskiy Donets river from Brusino up to Lisichansk. It was really great!

      On 12.07.04 I exellent passed State exam on "ESE" and graduated DNTU whit honours. I got Bacalore degree by speciality "ESE". Right after that I asked to continue my education to get Master degree.
      The chief of my Master thesis is proffesor Kovalyov Alexandr Petrovich. The subject of thesis is "Estimation of explosion proof at industrial premises that consided to be dangerous conserning to explosions and fires".

      After finished my Masters thesis I'm going to continue education in the field of Electronic. I hope to connect my future life whis industry. I'm going to make myself as welleducated, intelegent and hardworking engineer.

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