DonNTU | Masters of DonNTU


Zhelanova Katerina

Zhelanova Katerina

master of Electrotechnical faculty

Group ESaN-00

Speciality: Electrical systems and networks

Department: Electrical systems

Theme of masters work: "Development of method of experimental determination parametrs of equivalents circuits of turbogenerators taking into consideration the effect of saturation"

Scientific adviser: assosiated professor Arkadiy M. Larin

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     I was born on the 12th of October 1983 in Donetsk.

      My parents: father – Zhelanov V.S. (1960) is working as an engineer of the coal mine "Krasnaya zvezda", mother – Zhelanova N.F. (1961) is working as a leading engineer-technologist in the state project institute in Makeevka.

     In 1985 my family moved in a city Makeevka, therefore all my further life is connected with this city. In a period with 1986 on 1990 year I visited the kindergarten "Mir". I have great remembrances about this time, especially about morning performances and lessons of work and drawing.

      In 1990 I went in the first class of the secondary school #55 of Makeevka. But soon my family changed the place of residence, and further I continued studying at the secondary school #89. From all school subjects I liked the most mathematics, chemistry, English. I took part in the public life of our school. Also I took part in the olympiads on mathematics, biology, English. In higher forms at our school began to work the group of the young journalists under the direction of teacher of history Kogemyaki O.L. The pupils of our school contributed with the newspaper "Accent", which supported our creative work and published our articles. I also have three publications in this newspaper; there are essays on different themes. A book about our school became the result of activity of our group and the materials for the book were gathered by the pupils of our school. The group also gathered information about the veterans of the World War II for "Knigi pamyati". In addition, the graduation of our class was marked special event, the pupils and teachers of our school published a book "Razreshite predstavitsya" with their own poems, stories and essays.

      In the 11 class I decided to make a choice of the higher educational establishment. First of all, I thought about the Donetsk state technical university, because my parents graduated this establishment. In a in a school course of physics I liked a section about electricity, therefore I decided to choose Electrotechnical faculty. I knew that in the Donetsk state technical university is taking place the rating tests for university entrants, which giving an opportunity to became a student by passing only mathematics. I took part in rating, on the first round I got 50 points and it was enough for chosen by me speciality the "Electric systems and networks". In June, 2000 I graduated school with honours and I became a student of the Donetsk state technical university (now – the Donetsk national technical university).

      To study at the university was pleasant for me. From all lecturers on 1-2 courses I remained in my memory the lecturer of mathematics Victor P. Gatun. His lections were very good, because he can present difficult information in understandable form. On the third course we began to study the special disciplines and became to understand the meaning of my speciality. Also I would like to mention about remarkable man, our lecturer Mark V. Chashko. Under his direction I began researching work. The results of this work are few publications in scientific journals, also I took part in some conferee.

     Among my achievements in the university I can mention "Podyaka rectora" ( it is a diploma for an excellent study) which I got in 2003, two encouraging diplomas for participation in university competitions on the sections "General electrical engineering" and "Technical cybernetics and microprocessor technique". In summer 2004 I passed State examinations with excellent grades and got the diploma of bachelor with an distinction.

     The main scientific themes of our department are the study of transitional processes in the electric systems, the diagnostics of the electric machines, the determination of their parameters, these questions interested me, when I was proposed by the chief of our department to continue my education in the magistracy, I accept an offer.

     My future planes I join with work on a speciality and I hope that the knowledge, which I have got during the study in this higher educational establishment, will be useful for me in the future.

Master's thesis | e-library | Internet search data | LINKS | Individual task

DonNTU | Masters of DonNTU