russian ukranian

Popova N. V.

Popova Nataliy Vladimirovna

    Master group ÎÑ-00
    Faculty:    " Of Ecological And Chemical Technology"
    Profession:    "Surroundings protaction"
    The Theme of masters work:    "Methods for the lowering of
     concentration of the harmful substances by the outflows"

    Leader:    assistant professor Bulavin Alexsandr Vasiljevich

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        I was born in 1983 on May 1st, the red-letter spring day in Makejewka, but I live in Donetsk all my life. My parents are loving, affectionate and thoughtful. One year after my birth my dear brother Serezha was born, life became more cheerful and more variable, so I had always somebody to play with, to have a good time, to play pranks and just to chatter.

        When I was 2 years old my parents took me to kindergarten. The kindergarten is a very merry place with the careless childhood, many friends, morning performances, "sweet tooth days".
        Since 5 years I visited the popular-variety dances. I remember my first entrance on the stage up to now. All conserts, morning performances brought the peculiar shade in my life, because every time, when you understand, that you give people joy and your price is their smiles and applause. But after 7 years our collective broke down, because our leader left work because of her established reasons.
        Besides dances I liked painting, it was my passion. My mother says that nearmy bad was a chair, where always lied a sketch-book, coloured pencils, soft-tip pens. But now it is just my hobby.

        I went to the first class at the kindergarten, so my studies began since the second class of the school ¹4. Here my abilities came in handy: dances (the performances on the school conserts up to the 7th class) and then painting (the holidays placards). And the older I became more interests appeared, I wanted to test mystreight in the different spheres of life (swimming, knitting, sewing, hobby group "skilful hands", "soft toys" ect).

        In the 9th class I diskovered obout the Donetsk Technical College and I wanted to continue my studies there. When I finished the college preparatory corses I entered this college, where my studies continued. The teachers in the college are highly trained specialists and they gave me good knowledges, they treat the pupils like the grown-up people. Our curator Galina Kirillowna Shulgina was the second mother for us. She stood up for every pupil. She helped us, shared her experiences with us. The system of education is built according to the system of the institute: the top and lower weeks, the terms, the pass-examinations, the exams. So, I had a preparation for studies in the university. The new friends appiared there, I keep in touch with some of them. The years of studies in college flew with lightning speed by, but they left bright impressions.
        My chemistry teacher, Ludmila Ivanovna Rubleva, the teacher by vocation, influenced my choice of the university (Donetsk National Technical University) and the profession (Surroundings protaction). I wasn’t wrong in my choice of the university, because I always had gift for exact sciences, and in my choice of my profession, of its actuality and multilaterality of application.

        In the university began my grown-up, independent life. During my studies in university my life became more sensible, more variable and a lot of my views of life have changed.
        I’ve got the honours bachelor’s degree of engineer-ecologist and entered the magistracy.

        At this moment I work on the selection of materials for my master work, the laeder of this work is the assistant professor of the department "Applied ecology and surroundings protaction" Alexandr Vasiljevich Bulavin. I chose him of my own free will. He is a person of ready sympathy and he is kind. His main direction of activities is polymeric combinations and his last works are devoted to the methods of gummi utilization. But my theme "Methods for the lowering of concentration of the harmful substances by the outflows" is connected with profession and actuality of my theme.

        In the near future I plan to get a diploma and receive an interesting hihhly paid job, because I don’t like monotony and I like to travel. And I want to developmy knowledges, abilities and talants with their future reslization. I want to do something really worth doing, an dremain so merry, energetic and purposeful as I am now.

        The world is unbounded and amazing, be on familiar terms with it and discover something new for you every day.
