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Silkina Tatyana Viktorovna


Department: "The machines and apparatuses of chemical manufactures"

Speciality: "The Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials"

Theme of master's work: "The investigation of physiko-mechanical properties of specmaterials."

The scientific superviso: Veretelnik Svyatoslav Petrovich


Silkina Tatyana, that is I,was born on April, 24, 1982 in the city of Makeyevka in usual family : Mum – Silkina Elena Iosipovna, the daddy – Silkin Victor Vasiljevich and my senior brother – Silkin Eugeny Viktorovich As I was the long-awaited child parents were very glad to my occurrence. On glories of mum, I was very restless and whining child.

In 1989 I have gone to the first class of a comprehensive school of 1-3 steps N22. Most of all from school subjects I liked mathematics. In the childhood I liked to dance, therefore parents have written down me in a dancing circle which I visited with huge pleasure. Besides employment by dances I was engaged in the most different kinds of sports - sports gymnastics, navigation, some times visited a theatrical circle, but at once have understood, that it not for me. In the childhood and even now I very much like figure skating, but, unfortunately, in our city there is no opportunity to be engaged in this kind of sports. In the senior classes I participated in Olympiads on mathematics and still then has understood, that I have propensity more to engineering science, than to humanitarian.

In 1999 I has successfully left school. I liked our final evening which was for ever postponed in my memory as the border started a new stage from my life. In the summer of the same year I have tried to act in trading university on a speciality ” Economy of acceptance ” , but fortunately, my attempts have not crowned success. “ Fortunately ” because in March I have written a rating on which has passed on a speciality " the Equipment of chemical manufactures and the enterprises of building materials " to Donetsk national technical university. Since first days I liked our group, but not so study because it was difficult to be reconstructed from the school program of training on university, but in due course I have got used also to me began to like to study. Having studied the most difficult first rate, I have understood, that have made a correct choice concerning a speciality.

In 2004 I has received the bachelor's degree and has decided to continue study further and to begin the master. It is unique, that me afflicted, so it that I shall not study in the former group to which I for four years have very much got used. During training at university I has studied system of the automated designing the COMPASS, programs COSMOS and STATISTICA, and I also has received also other knowledge which I shall apply at the decision of many engineering and technical problems. Besides in addition I was engaged in the English language.

Now I am the student of a magistracy, have got acquainted with new group, I think, we shall very soon make friends. I study systems Mathcad new to me and Labview, and also I master work with the Internet. A theme of mine master's works: ” Research physiko-mechanikal properties specmaterials and a substantiation of a choice to technical equipment for its crushing ” . That my dissertation will be connected to recycling an ammunition I has solved itself as already prepared for abstracts and did reports on the given theme which has interested me and above which I would like and to work further, a theme of the dissertation îáãîâàðèâàëà with the head mastees works – Veretelnik Svyatoslav Petrovich. At the present stage of development of mankind the problem of recycling of an ammunition is very actual. The military technical equipment and arms are created, as a rule, for the sake of one problem – for effective application in case of operations. It also defines overall objectives of its creators – to arm army with new more powerful means of destruction of fighting force and technics of the opponent. And it is rather rare in this process use the system approach which could set thinking: that we shall do in the event that term of suitability of combat material is exhausted or the expediency of its storage on fighting arms has lost sense. Further I would like to continue to be engaged in scientific activity in this direction. In the near future I plan to engage in searches of interesting work.

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