
Kislun Alexander Valeryevich

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Establishment of rational parameters of subsystem of occasion of executive branch of passage combine with new structural decisions

Scientific leader: professor, doctor of engineering sciences, professor of the department "Mountain machines" Gorbatov P.À.

Passage combaine KPD
Dr. 1 - Research Object is the passage combine ÊPD

       More wide application on the mines of Ukraine is lately found by the passage combines (ÏÊ) of arrow-shaped type, the developer of which there is the Dongiprouglemash institute. The indexes of their work in 1,5 – 2 times exceed similar indexes of such combines, as 1ÃÏÊÑ and 4ÏÏ2Ì, common on mines to introduction in mountain production of developments of the Dongiprouglemash institute. However much the analysis of modern world level of technique shows that for support of competitiveness of combines in the world market, necessary increase of efficiency of their work by perfection of knots and subsystem of management by a machine. One of directions of perfection is development of ìåõàòðîí³÷íèõ subsystems of occasion of executive branch of passage combines [7].

       In this work the passage combine ÊÏÄ is a research object. This combine is intended for destruction of mountain range, cleaning up and transporting of the blasted mountain mass at driving of the preparatory making of the arched, trapezium and rectangular form crossing from 9 to 25 ì2 in driving with the angle of slope +-12° on a coal and mixed zaboy with the maximal border of durability of breeds at the single-axis compression of a <= 100 MT (f <= 7) and abrasive breeds to 15 mg, in mines dangerous on gas and dust.

       On layers dangerous on the sudden troop landings of coal and gas, a combine can be used in the safe areas set by a prognosis. Structural features

  • The arrow-shaped telescopic Executive branch is equipped by two chisel crowns as the combined ellipses with the transverse axis of rotation, that provide effective destruction of mountain range with saving of proof position of combine and diminishment of surpluses of breed during conducting of making.
  • An executive branch can be equipped by both an engine by power 110 kWt (ï=1500 rot/min) and engine by power 75 kWt (ï=1000 rot/min), that allows to get two speeds of cutting (for weak breeds and coal and for more strong abrasive breeds).
  • The presence of supporting feeder and back outriggers promotes firmness of combine during destruction of mountain mass.
  • The freight branch of conveyor is opened on all length reinforced by leaves from wearproof steel.
  • Management by a combine controlled from distance from a bearing-out stand and government local from a block, and management of conveyor, from the separate worn stand.
  • The apparatus of management and diagnostics carries out the control and visual reflection of parameters of basic knots and component parts of combine.

       The basic parameters guided at the change of properties of the destroyed arrays can be for the passage combines of arrow-shaped type [1]:

  • speed of moving of the Vp executive branch in composition the subsystem of his pendant and moving;
  • speed of the Vc cutting for the chisels of milling cutter in composition the subsystem of occasion of executive branch;
  • at the same time the Vp and Vc speeds (two-parametric adjusting).

       At regret, but now in the region of management by regime parameters at treatment of array for the most mountain machines the control system which was progressive and answered a modern level development of technique is not present executive branches. Often a passage machine has only one speed of serve and in quality regime parameters come forward size of deepening in an array and thickness of the destroyed layer, that causes oscillation (losses) of productivity of machine and is on today unacceptable. There are two values of speed of serve in the best case: working and mobile, but this variant is already also inefficient. The value of thickness of shaving must come forward in quality of the regime guided parameter, and consequently necessary effective automated control system.

       The automated management by mountain machines answers the management, at which the start of structural units of these technical objects is carried out by an operator, and subsequent their work is executed automatically on the basis of making of managing actions by the subsystems of automation without participation of auxiliary personnel.

       Automation provides the improvement of technic-economical indexes and social efficiency of exploitation of mountain machines as compared to controlled from distance and, the more so, hand direct management for the account:

  • increase of strength and power cost and fatigueability of workings cutting security;
  • increase of labour and improvement of parameters of reliability, diminishment of specific energy-spend productivity during work of mountain machines.

       At the use of effective subsystems of automation terms for the conclusion of personnel in safe areas are created, that it is especially important at working off arrays, dangerous on the sudden troop landings of gas, coal and breed.

       In addition, for the row of mountain machines of a new generation automation is obligatory, as the hand management can not provide their capacity.

       The analysis of described higher allows to assert that one of optimum on today can take into account the variant of the single-parametric nonsteps automated management by the Vc speed (Dr. 2).

Graph of dependence of moment Ì(Vc;h)
Dr. 2 - Graph of dependence of moment Ì(Vc;h)

It is achieved it by construction of subsystems of occasion of executive branch on the base of the modern frequency-managed asynchronous electric motors with a short-secluded rotor, that appears especially actual for the coulisse of strong breeds. Thus we set the first problem of research.

To execute the calculation of basic descriptions of subsystem of drive of executive branch of passage combine!
Dr. 3 - The Kinematics chart of the ÊPD combine (a picture is reference to the program of calculation of basic descriptions of subsystem of drive of executive branch of passage combine)

       The analysis of kinematics chart of reducing gear of executive branch of the ÊÏÄ (Dr. 3) combine shows its complication and bulky, including because of conical transmission which owns raw the very substantial failings, such as: reduced bearing strength, necessity of adjusting at collection of position of wheels of conical pair with the purpose of receipt of necessary spot of contact of teeth, promoted sensitiveness to the defects of billows, presence of axial efforts and necessity of setting of the axial bearings which perceive these efforts, complicated construction of billows in collection, which in the aggregate considerably worsen the reliability indexes of reducing gear; that generates the task of location of electric motor in a reducing gear so that his billow was parallel to the billow of executive branch, the same deprivation of conical transmission.

       Due to the use of the automated control system, we are able maximally to simplify a kinematics chart (to realize a minimum gear-ratio), the same to promote reliability of reducing gear, that will take in quality a next task.

       It follows to notice also, that in the region of the dynamic loadings in the subsystem of occasion of the executive organ (ÏÑ ÏÂÎ) ÏÊ arrow-shaped type now there is substantial enough space, but these loadings substantially enough influence on the reliability indexes of the system, and on efficiency of its work on the whole. Therefore the separate task of work is perfection of kinematics chain of the ÏÑ ÏÂÎ combine by the decline of the dynamic loadings on a subsystem due to building in the kinematics chart of vibration-protection device.

       It is consequently set all problems. Achievement of a next purpose is the decision of all these tasks. Development of the mechatronical subsystem PIÎ with the wind-proof device (ÂÇÏ), which gets the name of mechatronical subsystem, as must be created as an organically integral electric-mechanic-electronic technical object, that includes in quality initial identically important, technically equal in rights not only electric and mechanical structural units but also apparatus of automation. Such construction of this subsystem will allow to promote its technical-economical level due to simplification of construction of reducing gear, decline of the dynamic loadings on ÏÑ ÏÂÎ and improvement of parameters of reliability of reducing gear, that is a hard-vantage structural element, that especially actually during exploitation of combine in passage zaboy's with strong breeds.

Literary sources on the theme of dissertation

      1. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Nekrasova N.I. Planning of vibration-disconnecting device for the subsystems of occasions of the passage machines // Engineer. Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?. - P. 110 - 112.

      2. The standard of enterprise is STP-50-0135-90 Combines cleansing. System of drive of executive branches P the vibration-disconnecting devices. Choice of rational dynamic and structural parameters of vibration-disconnecting devices. Method. - Gorlovka: Gorlovskyy machine-building plant by him. S.Ì. Kyrova, 1990. – 16 P.

      3. Ukrepin S.À. Decline of the dynamic loadings in the turning block of cutting of the cleansing combine ÃØ500 the Student advanced study // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonSTU, 1999. – 60 P.

      4. Gorbatov P.À., Guliaev V.G., Kostukevich F.V. Dynamic properties of the nonlinear system of drive of coal combine P the dempfer device of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPI, 1978. - P. 127 - 130.

      5. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À., Lisenko N.M. Some questions of dynamics of the electromechanics system of two-motive drive of executive branches of coal combine of a 1ÃØ-68 // Information of higher educational establishments. Electromechanics is Donetsk: Donetsk orders of labour red colour polytechnic institute, 1976. ¹ 5. - P. 553 - 558.

      6. Gorbatov P.À., Guliaev V.G., Kostukevich F.V. Scientifically-methodical bases of optimization of dynamic properties of the systems of drives of executive branches of mountain combines are Donetsk: Donetsk orders of Labour Red Colour polytechnic institute, 1976. – 35 P.

      7, 8. Gorbatov P.À., Petrushkin G.V., Lisenko N.M. Mountain machines and equipment - In 2 ò. Ò.1, 2 - Donetsk: RYA DonNTU, 2003. - 295 P.

      9. Gorbatov P.À. Scientific bases of development of mechanotronical subsystems of drives of executive branches of passage combines are the // Mountain information-analytical bulletin. - Ì.: MGGU, 2004.

      10. Mizin V.À., Mizin S.V. Ground of kinematics chart of drive of executive branch of passage combine for optimization of the modes of destruction of breeds of a different fortress is // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 2003. ¹ 3. - P. 144 - 146.

      11. Drysh P., Kliaynert H.V., Khaf Å. New materials of cutting insertions of chisels of passage combines of the electoral action // Glukauf.-1992.-¹5.-P.85-91.

      12. Drysh Ñ. Research on the choice of conical chisels and economic speed of cutting for the passage combines of the electoral action // Glyukauf. -1992. -¹5. -P. 91-97.

      13. Hicenko N.V. To determination of parameters of the system of serve of executive branch of passage combine the // Mountain information-analytical bulletin. - Ì.: MGGU, 2003.

      14. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Andibor À.Ì. Disipative parameters of vibration-defense devices of the toothed-springing type // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?.

      15. Gorbatov P.À., Vorobyov Å.À., Ukrepin S.À. Establishment of rational parameters of vibration-defense device of the toothed-springing type // Engineer. - Donetsk: DonNTU, 199?.

      16. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À., Kondrahin V.P., Lisenko N.M. Some conformities to the law of forming of the dynamic loadings in the interactive systems of coal combines of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPY, 1976. ¹11 - P. 107 - 110.

      17. Guliaev V.G., Semenchenko À.Ê., Gorbatov P.À., Tarasevych V.I. Method of research of dynamic descriptions and structure of transmissions of executive branches of coal combines of // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: DPI, 1973. ¹11 - P. 106 - 110.

      18. Guliaev V.G., Gorbatov P.À. Research of free turning vibrations of the system of drive of executive branches of combine of a 1Ê101 // Information of higher educational establishments. A mountain magazine is Donetsk: Donetsk orders of Labour Red Colour polytechnic institute, 1972. ¹3 - P. 99 - 103.

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