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Для веселия планета наша мало оборудована,
Надо вырвать радость у грядущих дней,
В этой жизни помереть не трудно.
Сделать жизнь значительно трудней.
В. Маяковский ("Сергею Есенину")
 Voloshin Vitaly, was born on June 27, 1983 in city Donetsk. Dews gloomy, unsociable, closed in itself young men. 
In 2000 has ended school №136 and believing in the light, cloudless future and belief in possibility of correction of the mankind, which has mirred in own defects, became on martyr, executed alerts and losses a road of the student ("... Augmenting the knowledge, is augmented by grief... "). The choice of destiny has fallen on a speciality " Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines and systems " (faculty of an Energy Mechanics and Automation - FEMA). That disappeared behind a so foggy title was not known, how it is not known and now, however, there is a hope, that though one selected will comprehend this great secret to a termination of a magistracy. 
Each day of study brought in the mite to purposeful progression of helpless, harmless mind of the schoolboy - entrant in strong, purposeful and not harmless over reason of the undergraduate. Opinion for ever has taken roots: DonSTU - the school of life, in which survives only strongest.

Trophies extracted in heavy battles:

Victory on university Olympiad on a descriptive Geometry, victory on university competition of scientific operations on Philosophy (subject " A Role of the Bible in creativity G.S.Skovorod's "), publication of own papers in the collections of stands "Philosophy", " Details of Machines ", " a Mountain Mechanics ".

Repeated searches of sense of life and simultaneous attempts to study reduced in the most unexpected results.  
So, for example, acquaintance with the reports of first aid has reduced in writing scientific operation on sociology on a subject " Suicide and his(its) reasons ". The main purpose of operation - clearing up of reasons of fulfilment of suicides (mainly by teenagers) and paths of solution of this problem. Everyone, whom the given subject - favor interests I ask: 
The perusal " Introductions to the psychological analysis " of greatest of the people - Зигмунда Фрейда, is logically completed by writing of scientific operation on a subject " Polemic about children's psychological - sexual traumas " (contents, I think and so understandably).
Closure and detachment from an external world have made the business: the disappointed reason, not discovering the answer in a surrounding world substitutes by his(its) illusionary. The total: hobby Fantasy by the literature, convulsive adoring Dark of music, drawing on own and improper bodies by colours (aka Bodyart), restoring of a historical cold steel (mainly medieval) with usage of modern materials, at what with saving of all battle properties (willingly I shall share with wishing secrets on any of these questions and I shall help, than I can), learning of systems of the engineering analysis and designing.
In wordliness of days have flown 4 years, and, is absolutely unexpected for itself, in 2004г. (despite of desperate attempts of some teachers to prevent this) has ended a base educational level and has entered a magistracy on a main speciality. However pernicious predilection to " to the machine with the electric drive " (citation Хобты В.М.) through an oversight of the parents, and also desire to get the diploma of an essence named "programmers" (do not confuse with DOOMers) has reduced in arrival on a speciality " the Software of the automized systems " (faculty of Retraining of frames and Training for a new profession). The attempts of overlapping of both specialities result in learning a unique software package ANSYS, which allows to decide(solve) practically any problem of simulation of our wicked world by carry of bodies to the imaginary world of a finite element method. A stumbling stone on paths of this learning of this ordinance is the almost complete absence of the appropriate manuscripts in the library ours sacred ДонНТУ, no less than in any other places. From here there was an idea of creation of a coalition of the adherents all-wise ANSYSа from among the students on an initiative basis. In the boundless future the purpose - to simulate operation of real model of the centrifugal pump. At the given stage the solid-state model it the murderer of the electric power (power about 0,8МWt) is created. Operation on construction of lines of a current of a fluid, fields of pressure, speeds in real-time further is necessary. Whom will interest - write.

Experience of operation on 28.02.2005:

  1. scientifically research Institute of a Mountain Mechanics of a M.M.Fedorov - engineer of 3-rd category, operation above creation of hydrodynamic machines for downloading water (RPS, APUS).
  2. Shaft "Щегловская-deep" - usage in quality SIC (Student of Internal Combustion), dragging of bolts, pipes (hydraulic, all the same), gate valves from a place on a place. Involvement in offering up sacrifices to the pagan godhood on a name " the Chief of a Site ", as a victim was elected in anything not the guilty pump RPS 160-240. The sacramental consist in audit of the pump. Majestic and mysterious conditions of workshop, twilight (bulbs the ministers of a cult) have carried away home on sanctification, the short spells of lord "Petrovich" under measured impacts of a sledge hammer about the bearing (so struggle with a damnation - " landing(planting) in a tightness ").
  3. Private enterprise " the Gift of Fields " - operation with the "Client - bank" system, translating considerable money sums from one scores on another by means of bank of the intermediary (very much were useful the heard spells of lord.
  4. A quotient a Designer Bureau - operation above creation of a diesel drive grounded on the mechanism Баландина. By result of operation was the comprehension that the private concerns can not be a perspective place of operations.

Main directions of research and development operation:

  1. The analysis of systems of research of behaviour of a viscous incompressible fluid in real hydraulic machines ;
  2. Research of real processes in centrifugal sectional pumps;
  3. Application of systems of the engineering analysis(CAD/CAM) in hydraulics and machine industry.

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