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Permitin Pavel Alexandrovich

Donetsk National Technical University

Faculty geotechnologies and management by manufacturing

Professorship: "Natureguard action"

Speciality: Environment in mining

Theme of master dissertation:”Choice and substantiation of the technological decisions at ecologically safe closing of a colliery developing layers of abrupt fall, for decrease of destruction and pollution of environment by underground sources”

Science leader: professor, P.h.D. Àrtamonov V.N.


    My name is Permitin Pavel Aleksandrovich. I was born the 7th june 1983 in Enakievo of Donetsk region. I was born in a usual workers’ family, where except me there are a brother and a sister, I’m the youngest. Childhood had been rather good, but then began transitional period  –  disintegration of Soviet Union and standard of living of our family rolled down, especially because father’s wage was delayed on a mine he worked.

    Studied and graduaded with excellence school N2 in Enakievo. Till 7th form I was almost the worst pupil, because I had been ill too much. Since then I have begun to “rise up” and by 11th form became an excellent pupil. No one bad word could I say about my school, though were some problems with teacher of Ukrainian language: between us were reveberative feeling of antipathy.

    Presumed, that our school was the best between others in town, by what we were, certainly, proud. By the way, one of my classmates, after groupmates and now we are studying together in mastership is Chuchelok Alexander.

    In 2000, on a base of rating trials, I entered in Donetsk National Technical University, in that time it had been State yet. Reason of choosing speciality was such: low procent of getting in and relatively new direction, which nowadays rather perspective. In 2004 I received a red bachelor’s diplom in environment. Only 5 years after I have understood what a beauniful time it was: I have found new and truly friends, got some life-lessons in dormitory N4 and much more… Else I have one more bachelor’s diplom with speciality “Finance”, which I am going to graduade as a specialist next year. I would like to express a huge gratitude to my first English teachers in Universuty, there are: Chirva Irina Vladimirovna and Bitukova Olga Viktorovna. I want to wish them a lot of health and success in their hard work. Later I got aquanted with my science leader   –  scientist with authority, specialist in his job, professor, candidate of technical science, Artamonov Vladimir Nickolaevich. He is a very interesting and all-sides developed person with good sense of humour.

    Theme of my dissertation is: ”Descending of bad influence underground complex of closing mines on ecological situation ”. Problem of closing mines rather sharply stands in our region, generally caused by detriment. Though, now or later, mines will be closed anyway, and this involves determined environmental consequence. That’s why I know, that theme of my dissertation has actuality.

    As for the future, I would like to have enough strength and health to defend two diploms and find a work with sufficient wage, that my parents help for. As a driver ( a little more then year ago I got a driving license), I would prefer upgrade my knowledge in field of repairment and expluatation auto and mototechnique. Last year we with my friend dismantled and mantled again father’s motorbike, which I was riding. Also, I’d like to study German language, which courses I visited, but finished having no time. But, I think, if I ever be in Germany, I’ll not astray.

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