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Ribalko A. V.

Ribalko Alexey Valerievich

Donetsk National Òåchnical University

Faculty geotechnologies and management by manufacturing
Professorship: "Natureguard action"
Speciality: "Environment in mining"


Òhåme of master dissertation :

«Choice and substantiation of the technological decisions at ecologically safe closing of a colliery developing layers of abrupt fall, for decrease of destruction and pollution of environment by underground sources»

Science leader: Artamonov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Electronical library Links Results of seeking
Individual work Dissertation


     I, Ribalko Alexey Valerievich, am a master in Donetsk National Technical University.
     I was born 26th of august 1983 in Enakievo in family of Ribalko Valeriya Panteleevicha and Ribalko Olgi Petrovni. I have a brother Ribalko Oleg Valerievich too.
     The 1st of September 1990 I went to a first form of school ¹ 13 in town Yunokommunarovsk. While I was studying in school, took part in a artistic work, Club of funny and quickwitted, sport competitions, and in urban olimpiads in various subjects.
     In 2000 I became a student of Donetsk National Technical University, which was state in that time, after successful passing of rating tests. The choice of the Universuty was not a hard question, because my father and brother had graduaded it before. Harder I chose the speciality, but after some consideration chose such direction as environment and do not regret, because I guessed it had perspectives. My professorship “Natureguarding activity” is young and constantly spreading. Teachers’ group consists of a very experienced, working in this area not a year people, and young and perspective teachers.
     During the studying in University were happening and happen multitude of various events. Appeared a lot of new friends, new hobbis, I was bailiff and groupmember in Profeccional Unity of DonNTU. Took part in sport competitions, wrote some scientific articles. Went on Ukrainian scientific students’ conference “Environment safty. Problems and ways of resolving” in town Uzhgorod, which took part 23-25 of april 2002, where I got a deed for the activity and on 6th international conference of students, aspirants and young scientists “Ecology. Man. Society.”, which was 14-17 of may 2003 in Kiev, where received diploma for activity. Except that took part in a national seminar of project “Kiev-2003” 15-16 of may 2003 in Kiev “World-Europe-Kiev-2003”, where was composing open letter on a congress of environment ministers European countries..
     My future I’m tying with application on practice knowledge that I have got in University. Nowadays a lot of enterprises make harder environment control. This fact lets me see ahead with optimism and hope, that looking for interesting and perspective work will not be a problem.


Electronical library Links Results of seeking
Individual work Dissertation