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Starchenko Svetlana Vladimirovna

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management

Chair of labour and aerology protection

Speciality: Labour Protection

Subject of the working the master:

Development of measures for averting of endogenous fires under the conditions of mine

Scientific leader: Bulgakov Yuriy Fedorovich


Result Masters work

Electronic library References Individual task



I, Starchenko Svetlana Vladimirovna, was born in 1981, 15th of December, in Donetsk

My family: mother, Starchenko Ekaterina Nikolaevna, finished technical school. She is chef, and also she finished the secretary of typist and the machinist of lift (hoisting machines). Now she is works on the mine "Trudovskaya". Starchenko Vladimir Vladimirovich, miner, on 16 January, 1986, perished in the mine. Brother, Fedorov Andrey Vyacheslavovich, are married, lives in Krasnoarmeysk. Sister, Julia Vladimirovna Starchenko, the student of the 5th course of the Donets national technical university of specialty Ecology .

I grew up healthy, active child, in the childhood manifested the interest in the gymnastics and walked to the floating. Greatly she wanted to play on the piano, but is rapid interest was falled.

After childgarten I went into the secondary school N88 of Donetsk, where I learned to the 7th class. There was some of the favorite objects: biology, geography and working instruction. My work on binding and sewing in the school exhibitions occupied the first places. In the course of time my school enthusiasm developed into hobby. From the 7th class it continued studies in the school of N103. In this school of teacher they were more attentive and thoughtful to the students. School developed actor's talents, entertaining programs were arranged, were conducted different competitions, with the appearance of the students of each class. I manifested lively interest and assumed participation in the measures. Warm recollections remained at the end of 11th class in me.

The institute, in which it was going to learn, itself was selected. Although, in the childhood I dreamed to be a doctor. After graduating from school, outlooks on life were changed, and I decided to enter into the Donetsk technical university.And selected specialty "industrial safety measures in the mining industry". Made a selection from the point of view of the urgency of this specialty in the Donetsk region. It learns it was interestingly from the very first day. There were many acquaintances and pleasant contact with the students. Many friends appeared. But also, each summer. I loved to drive to rest into the camp - "Burevesnik". Good impressions from leisure always remained. Student years will remain unforgettable, indeed this happiest time in the life. It were occupied during the studies, work by scientific.

In 2004 was obtained the diploma of baccalaureate and it entered into the magistracy.

At present I work at the preparation of materials for fulfilling the magisterial work on the theme: the "Development of measures for averting of endogenous fires under the conditions of mine". Leader of the chairman of department of the "Industrial safety measures and aerology", the doctor of the technical sciences prof. Bulgakov Yuriy Fedorovich. Selected it because he is excellent, competent specialist in his activity.

For me studies in the magistracy is obtaining new knowledge and contact with the new more interesting people. I have purposed and energetic. I always approach the best, more rational and more useful. In the people

I value honesty and benevolence.Into my plans for the future they enter, first of all, to successfully finish studies and to develop their personality.

After the end of magistracy I plan to find the work, where to the smog itself to realize.