Belyak Svetlana Sergeevna

Belyak Svetlana Sergeevna

Physico - metallurgical faculty
Speciality: Ecology of the metallurgy
Group: EKM-00f
Scientific adviser: Rostovsky
Vladimir Ivanovich

Master's work theme: "The research of zinc behaviour in sintering blast furnance industry and perfection of it's extraction from zinciferous blast furnance sluge technology"



I was born on June 15, 1983. This day gets during the people which were born in an atmosphere of the twins. I not especially trust to the astrologists, but with confidence I can tell, that I the very dynamical man, do not love to be floating on current of life, and to put before myself the concrete purposes and to achieve them, applying a maximum of efforts. My first teacher spoke: "All children as children, and Sveta is torn in fight!". And, really to remain sitting on one place to me always was rather difficultly: constantly aspired to learn something new and to inform it with others, to find fascinating employment and to surround itself with the interesting people. To study in me it was pleasant from childhood. My mum has imparted to me this feeling, but never anything me to do forced, preparing thus to adult life and skill to answer for the acts. Can be, therefore for me it was very unusual to see the school girlfriends, to which the parents wrote the compositions and forced to do the home task.

I have gone to the first class in school 57 cities of Makeevka in 1989, but soon, owing to change of a residence, it was necessary to be transferred in school 8, which became for me the native house. Change of conditions, the new environment, new teachers - was necessary to assert the knowledge to prove to all the abilities. School I have finished with a gold medal, but, frankly speaking, it has helped me by nothing further, except for as by knowledge acquired for eleven years of study, which have helped me to arrive in institute on ratings on equal terms with all other entrants. Let as it is sharp is told, but in collective I - leader, organizer and generator of new ideas. Very much frequently me spoke, that, if not I, much would not be, that my energy and shine in eyes have inspired everything, and we together it have achieved.

In school days in free from study time of a house I did not sit: was engaged in swimming, national dances, then by acrobatics, by the way, on which at me I - st the adult category. In school constantly participated in KVN, in theatrical statements, every possible competitions and olympiads. In the senior classes has taken a great interest in ball dances, has got in magnificent collective "Vdokhnovenie", which has brought up in me feeling of love to art, in which I became adult and has found many new friends. In 2000 became the student of Donetsk national technical university; my pleasure was not of a limit. I have considered a choice of a speciality with the maximal responsibility. In spite of the fact that I have the certain propensities to humanitarian sciences, my choice has stopped on a technical higher educational institution, because I try to be the realist. Speak, that the speciality, chosen by me, "Ecology of metallurgy", - speciality of the future, but I so do not think, is our present, as we live in Donbass - industrial region most polluted in Ukraine from the ecological point of view. The amount of the metallurgical enterprises is especially great here which put huge harm to an environment, and the qualified staff in this area is simply necessary, therefore, I hope, I shall be the claimed expert.

In institute the interesting life began, new friends and hobbies have appeared. The study in technical college for the girl has of the charm and lacks, perfect addition to it was faculty of the French language, which has given a drink of linguistic education and has raised my level of spiritual culture. The study of foreign languages considerably expands an outlook of the man, and the study at the French technical faculty has allowed to become the expert with knowledge usual colloquial, and a technical language. I one year was engaged at amateur French theatre, slightly having touched to creative student's life. Then has carried out the dream - has visited in France and Belgium, where could on practice check up the knowledge of the French language.

2. 08. 2004 has received the red bachelor's degree. During training at university has published three scientific article and has developed the electronic version of the dictionary.

Now I study in group masters, because I want to go in a leg in due course, to receive qualitative education. You see the education is a pledge of success in the future. Certainly, the important factors is the knowledge, good luck, mind and skill to manoeuvre in life, but education is as "clothes", on which meet the man, therefore I want, that it was as it is possible better. I am engaged scientifically - in research work of the research of zinc behaviour in sintering blast furnance industry and perfection of it's extraction from zinciferous blast furnance sluge technology . For an industry of Ukraine the returning in manufacture of scarce zinc has urgent importance, as the needs for it continuously grow, and its quantity in sluge already makes of 50 thousand tons. My scientific chief the candidate of engineering science, senior lecturer of faculty ore-thermalprocesses and low - waste technology Rostovsky Vladimir Ivanovich, magnificent expert analyzing and coordinating my work.

In the plans for nearest future to receive the second higher education, presumably it will be economic or legal. This desire at all a craze, and realized aspiration to self-perfection and increase of quality of the knowledge with the purpose of purchase interesting highly paid work and further growth of career. The vital purposes I put before myself very high, in what that to a measure inaccessible, but only so is possible to achieve success.

©DNTU Belyak Svetlana. Donetsk 2005