Главная страничка ДонНТУ Страничка магистров ДонНТУ

Russian Ukrainian

Bereginskaya H.


Elena Jakovlevna

group ECM-00

Physic-metallurgical faculty

The head: Ph.D. Kochura Vladimir Vasiljevich

Theme masters work: " Development energy saving technologies blast furnace process with inflation of the cleared blast furnace gas "

e-mail: alenka666-83@mail.ru

The author's abstract on the theme Electronic library References Results of search Individual task

I was born on August, 13, 1983 in Donetsk which I live now. It is considered, that number 13 not happy, but, in my opinion – it is not true. For me it is the happiest because from this number my life also began. To tell the truth, not on Friday, and on Saturday, but more then one of my days of birthes dropped out on Friday of 13-th, but anything terrible and awful has not taken place. All have remained are alive and healthy. However it is not everything, that is connected to date of my birth. On August, 13 is also the world day of lefthanders, and I am a lefthander. So I have a lawful occasion to mark two holidays simultaneously!

First seven years of my life have passed approximately the same as also the majority of children. And then there was a first important event in my life – I have gone to school № 70 in Donetsk which has a mathematical class. This circumstance also has served in the future to a choice of the further place of study.

When I have gone to school, parents have decided to find for me any additional employment. For many such employment becomes musical school but as neither I am not distinguished by hearing nor a voice I have decided to go in for sports – swimming. To float to me it was pleasant, even have taken in sports group. In result I have the some amounts of letters and medals for participation in various competitions.

But gradually study began to prevail and "the big sports" should be left. Instead of it was necessary to plunge into every possible school sciences. Having studied ten years, in 2000 I have left school with a silver medal.

2000 for all associated with something new and unknown. For me the main change became receipt in a higher educational institution. I became the student of Donetsk National Technical University, still studying in 11 class, successfully having handed over rating tests.

I study at physic-metallurgical faculty, a speciality "ecology of metallurgy". Speciality young enough and perspective. The problem of ecology is especially actual in our industrial region, therefore I hope, that the knowledge received during study will help me to improve ecological conditions of our city and region.

Having finished four rates of university and having received the bachelor's diplom with mark has decided to continue study up to the greatest possible level. Now I study in a magistracy, I am engaged in scientific researches in the field of inflation in a blast furnace gas flowing additives, the head Ph.D. Kochura Vladimir Vasiljevich. My work is actual enough now. Application various flowing additives during blast furnace process allows to save the coke received from natural raw material. Besides cokechemical manufacture is one of the most ecologically harmful. Therefore decrease in consumption of coke has direct ecological effect.

Now I work in scientific enterprise "Progress - ecology". Our enterprise is engaged in development and introduction modern, highly effective industrial gas cleaning equipment. Actively I connect the further with this direction. In the future I want to receive the second education in economic science and be engaged in ecological management: realization and real introduction of effective ways of gas purification at the enterprises mountain and metallurgical industry. I want, that my future activity brought real results, promoted improvement of ecological conditions in our region and, finally, that it became easier breathe to our people.

[In the beginning]