Goroshchenko A.E.

Goroshchenko Alexandr Evgenievich

Subject "Software" PÎ-00v

The Subject of the exhaust work: Study of the possibilities of software programs on example of the writing the electronic vocal translator for pocket PC.

Scientific adviser: Shelepov Vladislav Yurievich

My E-Mail goroschenko_alex@ukr.net




I am Goroshchenko Alexandr Evgenievich, was born the July 5 1983 in Donetsk sity. My parents are father Goroshchenko Eugenie Nikolaevich and mother Goroshchenko Lyudmila Maksimovna.


I remember my childhood vaguely and only separate fragments, which surface in consciousness sometimes. But year after year I’ve been forgetting them in all. From the parent’s tales I know that when I wasn’t yet 1 year old we have moved to Germany with dad’s allocation cause he was a military. Sometimes my parents remember the different events from our life in Germany and ask me: if I remember that or that? But how can I remember if I was an infant? But I will almost certainly go there are and not once. When I was 4 in our family has occurred the addition my brother was born. But less than in 1 year our services in Germany ended and we had been sent the Fareast east in Chitinskayu area. There are summer degrees is about +50C, but during the winter it is 50 degrees. We went to the homeland in 10 months up to the beginning of the school.


I had unforgettable school years. They passed as 10 days but not 10 years. And I can not remember any recollection because it was so much of them. I studied at 2 secondary schools. At the beginning I went to secondary school ¹ 42 and studied there are first 3 years. Then I came to the secondary school ¹28. I had to change the schools because of the local environment, I mean the people who was surround me. But it is another topic of conversation. I studied well and usually got the best marks except of the 3 language subject. I had “good”(mark 4). I probably had bad handwriting. I engaged in karat from 5th to the 9th class at school and stopped because I lost the interest to that. Still regretting about that now.
Before I came to 8th class I just a bit communicated with mates. I had a scanty circle of friends and I was quite reserved. But when I was in 8thyear study at school I decided to change myself. I trained myself at the public speaking in front of large auditorium of people, communication skills and so on. I participated in school’s programs on the stage, communicated with mates and teacher for this reason.


I had no hesitation about my future professions. I made this choice at the beginning of senior classes when we played on ZXSpectrum with mates. We tried to do something elementary with programs, wanted to understand how it worked. At the beginning 11th class I was appeared my first computer and I tried to understand whole world information technology. And when I have learned that there is profession software in DNTU, I have firmly solved to study on this profession. So at the beginning of October 1999 I went at university on starting-up courses and having typed on rating necessities amount points I have entered to university before I finished the school.


Training in university passed brightly, fully, with pleasure. I have never regretted about my choice of profession. I was learning all the discipline with big interest. I remember Days of the science, Days of the pulpit, different conferences. The Desire to get high education, striving to the everything new, hobby and life purposes has allowed to continue the education in magistracy.


The Fascination to the psychology, system of the personal growing, management, marketing, business (still in theories), as well as working in international student organization AIESEC, which concerns with the international traineeship for students and social directed project, that’s all allowed me to learn about different opportunities in the world. I visited conferences devoted leadership, branding, the personal growing in Kiev, Berdyansk, Cherkasy and it helped me to set my goals One of them – to get the second high education on professions manager organizations (the economy-legal ensuring the enterprise). Well what will happen to me further I don’t know, nobody knows... We will see.