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Igor Ivanovich Terzi




E-mail: igor.terzi@gmail.com

Group SP-00m

Master Thesis

Theme: Analysis and Conception of Coordination and Collaboration Mechanisms for Agent Oriented Systems.

Tutors: V.Svjatnyj, P.Goehner, H.Mubarak

Creative autobiography

I was born on February, 9 1983 in the nice Ukrainian city Donetsk. This significant event did not remain unnoticed by the nature: I was born at 23.20, and the next morning all Donetsk was covered with a thick layer of snow. Probably, because of this I am always so glad to the first snow.

I do not remember my childhood. Absolutely. If I know something, then it is only from the stories of my parents. They say, that I didn’t differ with anything special, only learned to count early (money, probably …) and periodically got mum how it is necessary to bring me up. In kindergarten, they tell, used to have special attention from the female half of our institution. Special because it was basically teachers who loved me very much, and little girls-contemporaries, which me, on the contrary, bit.

Under influence of all these circumstances my children's predilections were formed. Desires to be the cosmonaut and the reconnaissance officer had passed by me, but trades of the race driver, the artist, and the seller in grocery shop were my favorite. With the race driver it has failed – good luck for the people, as the artist I did not realized myself because of the parents – after the next 30-meter lorry drawn by me (and I drew basically lorries, probably, because of desire to become the race driver, and not less than 25 meters in length – I do not know because of what, perhaps it is some complex) they have decided to teach me to read. After that only one dream left. Unfortunately, 5-years boys are seldom taken on as sellers, furthermore in grocery shops, but I shall hope, that everything is ahead for me (coming back to a question on prospects for the nearest years).

In 1990 the carefree part of my childhood ended, and I went to school. It was really interesting. The most difficult for me was to understand a difference between spelling in Ukrainian and Russian languages that immediately influenced on the marks in these subjects. However, in the fifth class everything reached me up, and I became the excellent pupil. You don’t say! :-)

In the second form parents sent me to English lessons, so the expression “The sun is shining brightly” came to my life whether as a natural condition of the nature or as a gloomy sensation of necessity to do the home tasks (however in that time I did not know yet what German is…). Where I went more, I do not remember, in my memory there are only dances in the sixth class so now I know "Point", "Samba" and many other terrible words… (Though, it is necessary to tell, it is not so bad. One my friend during training at school has managed to study English, music, tennis, ping-pong, mathematics and (horror!) navigation on canoes!).

Time went, I passed in more and more high forms, but on school front everything was not so smoothly. First I was fond of mathematics. Studied mathematical problems. Then physics. Studied the nature. Then chemistry. Until now has not understood what studied. Has stopped on computer sciences, that has predetermined my further destiny in sense of higher education.

For I have thought, have thought, and have come to the conclusion, that the economist from me is useless, the mathematician is boring, the physicist is mediocre, the chemist is unpromising, and on sellers in shops, even grocery, they do not teach at the university, so nothing left except as to be engaged in computers. The most difficult for me was to choose one of the numerous computer specialties. I have stopped on “System programming” as far as hardware maintenance has never interested me much, and development of applied programs makes me feel melancholically. And DonNTU was chosen, because, first, in my opinion, it is the best university in Donbass, and secondly, such speciality is all the same not present in other universities. Anyway, I do not regret about the choice at all, on the contrary, I am very happy with it :-).

After 5 years of studying in DonNTU, probably, it is possible to bring the first results. First, during these years I have learned a lot of new and interesting things, that should make me pleased (And I am pleased :-) ). Secondly, I have got acquainted with many very good people who, hope, will remain my friends for all my life. At last, studying in DonNTU gave me an opportunity to visit Germany 3 times, and, apparently, my cooperation with German institutes will not be limited to it. In general, I think, that these 5 years have passed really knowingly for me. It is good, that they were in my life!

The work on my Master Thesis I have begun during half-year training on the ninth semester in Germany in Stuttgart in Institute of Industrial Automation (Institut fuer Automatisierungs-und Softwaretechnik, IAS). Probably, any practice outside native university and furthermore abroad, is a great many of new impressions, and my one did not become exception. I even, began to write a diary, first time in my life, in which described everything that was happening with me during these 6 months. Now this diary is one of sections of this web-page (in Russian language). However, certainly, bright impressions is not the main thing, the basic one, in my opinion, is that I have got acquainted with the subjects new to me connected with automation systems. I also have learned, how research work in Germany is conducted. It is necessary to note, that it is conducted quite different from what we, Ukrainian students, have get used to. Therefore one more of sections is devoted to process of carrying out the in IAS, standardized under the standard ISO 9001. I recommend to pay attention to it!

But let us return to the Master Thesis :-). A choice of a theme has predetermined the place of training, namely Institute of Industrial Automation. One of the scientific fields of this institute is the agent-oriented systems of automation. I have chosen this field because it is close to the object-oriented approach which was always interesting to me. The theme of my work is «Analysis and Conception of Coordination and Collaboration Mechanisms for Agent Oriented Systems». The purpose of the project is a fundamental research in the field of coordination and cooperation mechanisms for the agent-oriented systems. I have begun work with the analysis and classification of existing mechanisms of coordination and collaboration for automation systems for the flexible industrial environment, and also the description and the analysis of such environment. Then has continued with the development of mechanisms of coordination and collaboration. In more details about the work that was already done it is possible to read in Master Thesis section. The following work I plan to devote to the practical realization of the developed algorithms. I will do that during coming training in Germany. So wish me a good luck please! :-)

What to do further, after finishing my Master Thesis? A good question! I would like to continue scientific work on my current theme, and to go to the postgraduate study. As a result of postgraduate study should become the Doctor degree. And then... You know, the life is so unpredictable, therefore it is really difficult to plan the life for long years forward… But it is necessary :-). Therefore I shall try to do it. I see two ways for my future after finishing postgraduate study. The first is to continue scientific career, and to work as a tutor in the university. In my opinion, it is very interesting, as far as I always liked creative work and work with people. Now it is my basic plans for the future. However, as life shows, many people often get tired with theoretical scientific work, and prefer to go to the industry. Work on industrial projects as also very creative, but much more concrete and also allows to see results of the activity at once. So it may be also an interesting way, probably, I shall prefer to go on it. What will it be? We’ll see! Quite soon, in about 25 years! :-)

Well, perhaps that is all. Finally, the most interesting section of the creative autobiography comes. Namely, dreams and ideals. So, the are the three-floor house …, seven Mercedeses …, three wives … and pool with sea water … owned by my best friend. And for me it is enough to have a little car and cozy house, the loving wife and the cheerful son. The most important is to live gently. And in Ukraine :-) However, from the point of view of work except of Ukraine, Germany and the USA also represent my special interest. Sure, we will meet there!