Viryutin A.L.         Viryutin Alexandr Leonidivich

    Department:   Computer techniques and information science
    Speciality:  Conomical cybernetics
    Group:  EKI-00à

    Scientific adviser:  Dmitrieva O.A.
    Master's thesis theme:  "Ìîäåëèðîâàíèå ïðîöåññîâ óïðàâëåíèÿ â îòðàñëè ñ ó÷åòîì íàëîãîâûõ êîìïîíåíò"


Author's abstract
Individual task
Electronic library
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Ukrainian      Russian

      I was born on February, 28th, 1983 in Druzhkovka of Donetsk area.
      My Father is Viryutin Leonid Ivanovich (“The Dnepropetrovsk mountain academy”, he is marksheider), my Mother is Viryutina Vera Nikolaevna (“The Shahtinsky institute of technology”, she is economist).

      Druzhkovka is a small industrial city with the population near 80 thousand and having some of the large industrial enterprises such as: "Druzhkovsky machine-building factory ", «Druzhkovsky metiznyj factory", "DZGA" (the factory of the gas equipment), the mining enterprises, etc.

      I grew quiet child but very mobile. The early childhood is the brightest and light time in our life is invaluable for us but not representing special interest for the reader. I should tell only that the distinctive feature of such small cities as Druzhkovka is their excellent atmosphere that promotes fine harmonious development of children.

      Years 1990-2000 – the time of my training at school number 7. From the first class I was given in a circle of ball dances. After several months of employment I was ready to be engaged in everything (even a chess) but only not dances. In our dancing collective were only few boys, basically girls, I did not understand all advantages of such position. And I started to play in the chess. After one year I have chosen basketball, during all teaching in school I played in it.
      At school even in compositions I’d often used figures for that did not receive especially high estimations, therefore I knew from the first classes that my calling is in technical directions. There I felt myself confidently. As the basic achievements in last classes of training at school I consider: in study are victories and prize-winning places on city Olympiads on the mathematics and the physics, in tre sports are my victories in regional competitions on basketball, and also playing many other kinds of sports.

      In year 2000 I has acted in the Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality "Economic cybernetics". Choosing my future speciality I was guided by the purposes:
      1) "Cybernetics" – to become the good user of a computer, and also to master the certain skills of programming.
      2) "Economic" – to master bases of economy, modelling and forecasting.
      The first purpose coincided with one of the most actual recently requirements to any expert. In the second I was always bribed with an idea what “to expect” means “to operate". But to expect and plan something in the future, it is necessary to understand well the past and to understand the present. I think my choice will help me in it.
       For to adding my formation and to seeing the same economy but from a few other party I’m receiving the second higher education on a speciality "finance" I’ve been studying since my second year on (faculty of retraining of personnel). In February 2005 I’s received the bachelor's degree (also with distinction). At this moment I continue studying on the expert. On April, 26th, 2005 has won 3 place on Ukrainian student's subject Olympiad on " Financial management ".
       Per years 2003-2004 I’ve worked in AB "Ikar-bank", a credit department, it became my first working experience I am very grateful to this bank for.

      A theme of mine master’s work " Modelling of managerial processes in branch in view of tax component ". I have chosen this theme since at formation of policy management of tax payments are mentioned many interesting problems: management of expenses, formation of the cost price, planning of financial activity. On April 21, year 2005 I’ve acted with the report on this theme on 3 International conferences "Models and information technologies in management of economic systems", Vostochnoukrainsky national university by V. Dalja, Lugansk.

      Finishing studying in the university I consider that my choice has made me the high-grade economist, the good user of the personal.

      One of basic and finest my hobbies is dancing in national ensemble "Vizavi". More detailed information on our collective and our performances you can found in my individual task.

       In the future I see myself the worker of economic, financial and analytical departments.

  Biography     Author's abstract      Individual task    References    Electronic library     Report on search