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Danilova Irina Sergeevna

Danilova Irina Sergeevna

Geographical information system and technologies (GIS)
Mining-geological department

Master's thesis topic: Investigation of methods and technologies of
                             cadastral plans' support and edition

scientific adviser:         Germonova. Å.À.

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       I was bon on September 15, 1983 in the city of Donetsk.

       To take the first steps to the kid with huge brown eyes helped wonderful people – my parents. They for the first time have explained: what is it good and what is it bad.

       Last word always was for mother, Nellia Viktorovna, the hardworking and strong-willed woman. Everyone offence and disobedience in education of the first child was followed with punishment. That is why, everyone praise from mother lips was a big pleasure for me.

       But my dad, Sergey Leonidovich, always fulfilled all my wishes: often, when he came back from work, he brought something sweet for me. That's why, may be, I loved daddy more than mother. But may be, I was admire by my toys. The carpenter by a profession, daddy has made beds for my dolls, a little table and armchairs. Mum sewed small pillows and blankets.

       The carefree childhood slowly elapsed in the distance from city. The private sector, where there was a grandmother's house in which we lived, has opened to the child the world full of paints and joies. Here I said the first word, founded the first friends, gone to the first class...

       At school N 137 in Donetsk, elapsed two first happy years of school life. My first teacher, Lydia Mihajlovna, was the kind and tender person. Each child was for her as native. And lessons always were cheerful and entertaining. Daily, in the beginning of the first lesson, played the plate with children's sons, which we studied.

       Then the first children's dream has arisen: I knew that, when I grown up, I shall become the teacher.

       But suddenly all changed. Our family moved in another district where daddy has received an apartment. Now, when I going to the school, I considered houses-giants and wonderful children's playgrounds with interest. At new school N 92 have passed nine years of my life. However this time has not passed completely. In that time I find out, that I have a talent...

       When in the third class I have got in ensemble of national dances, yet I didn't know, that long and persistent trainings wait me. I thought that the occupation passed normally. However in one fine day the teacher told, that I don't cope, and advised me go in the art studio.

       So began the new stage from my life. Now each Saturday and Sunday began in the art studio. And the most liked time – the rest when it is possible cheerfully to play with friends. Our exhibitions were brought the special pleasure. Everyone performed work on a "big" sheet with diligence and pleasure.

       At school I liked mathematics. That is why after the eighth class I gone to the mathematical class without doubts.

       However, the most interesting was, that my teacher in elementary school said, that I didn't know mathematics. But in higher school I received four and five.

       But at last three years the mathematics so bothered me that I wouldn't go on mathematical department. From art specialties I can't nothing to choose, because in Engineer-building institute of Makeevka (MEBI) was only architectural specialty. But I wanted to draw and to show people that perfect, what they didn't see. However I understood that, if I want to draw, I need money. And for this I need a work. But where go?

       Mother's girlfriend has advised to go on Mining-geological department in Donetsk national technical university. I liked mathematics, liked to draw and was interested in computers. The speciality was determined: "Geographical information system and technologies" (GIS). Process of entering in university began from passing the first rating. The received points weren't enough. Then was the second, and by results of the third rating I was took on the budgetary form of training.

       Since the first day in institute you understand, that you already adult, and the childhood was finished. Here all in another way – you see that it is not school. Each semester begins a chain of lectures and studies, and finishes a chain of examinations.

       Stimulus in study, as always, was the mother's praise. But suddenly my life has radically changed. My mum has got in hospital. The terrible illness, which too late has been found by doctors, took out a terrible verdict: operation will not rescue any more.

       Only now I have understood – as it terribly to take decision and then be responsible for them. In my life mum accepted always all decisions.

       Since that day I began study to laugh when I want to cry, seem carefree in most difficult minutes. I began to listen my desires moor. And my "I" began to be formed in that time.

       On the first rate, listening to lectures, I always thought, that to students, probably, it would be very interesting to read lecture. And material would more easily be remembered. But in that time it seemed impossible. However in three years my dream was carried out, when the professor of our faculty Sergey Georgievich Mogilnii has offered students to prepare and read lectures on his discipline.

       The end of the fourth rate was marked by reception of the bachelor's degree and acceptance in magistracy.

       Master's thesis topic is "Investigation of methods and technologies of cadastral plans' support and edition". It offered by my scientific adviser – Germonova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna. In work it is supposes to investigate the existing automatic systems of creation and editing of the cadastral plan and, having revealed their lacks to try to create development close to universal.

       Time of training in magistracy in my life has coincided with time of self-knowledge and realization, as seemed to me long time, desire unusual for girls. However having overcome my modesty, I have entered the name on section karate. But my inquisitiveness decided to not stop on it. And, thanks to my girlfriends, I have understood, that east dances give me not smaller pleasure.

       In the near future I plan to hand over, probably, last session and write final master's thesis.

       After the termination of university I plan do to the work by my speciality and to understand pleasant it is to me or not.

       In two years my sister will finish school, and I would like to enter in art institute together with she. I wan to receive education of the designer of clothes.

       But in depth of soul, I'm is a small girl, who tries to learn environmental real. But the years, which have been spent at university, impose the print on children's consciousness. Now the simple desire to think out and sew to itself things gets other outlines: to create interesting models and to sell them in own magazine. However this dream seems to me to the most unrealizable now.


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