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Photo of master Liu Kai(2005)


miner-geological faculty

Chair of geoinformation and geodesy

Theme of degree works:
" Applying GIS technology for land valuation in Ukraine "

Results of the search

my E-mai

professor, d.s.t. Gavrilenko Y.N.



      My name is Liu Kai, I was born in 4 April 1978 in the city Gui Lin, regional south of China. At 1 September 1985 was my first steps in first elementary school Gui Lin. After 6-th grade I entered the secondary School and took an interest in physics and mathematics. After third grade I successfully passed provincial examination and go into the good senior middle school. I studied hard in this senior middle school, particularly mathematics, physics, chemistry, Chinese, English because I wanted to study in the university. After third grade in July 1997 I passed the national exam and went into the KunMing science and engineering university.

      I knew that I want to do in my professional life at senior middle of third grade already. My father told me on this speciality for that moment, that she is connected to construction and drawing up of maps, i.e. with activity of the person on the ground, and conditions of developing market attitudes in the country experts of the given speciality are in demand. For this reason I chooseed this speciality - the Engineering geodesy.

       From the first rate teachers have started to read subjects on a speciality and that remarkable, on laboratory researches we learned practical skills of work with geodetic devices already, they were difficult for mastering firstly, and in general rate of study was fast. Month of practice was after each rate under the curriculum of faculty, during which our group gone during educational year a material fixed practically. In practice after 3-rd rate I has received skills of work with GPS-receivers which are actual for modern navigation. Except for work with devices for the engineer-geodesist now is very important and knowledge of computer technologies, therefore from the first rate on Faculty subjects teached on modern computer software packages in the field of a geodesy and databases.

      01 July 2001 - I got a bachelor’s degree and got the job in the building company. In the work I chiefly was in charge of the lead measurement, measurement of the level, the trigonometrical measurement and the lofting is in accordance building the road and the bridge drawing. Worked after 2 years I thinked the professional skill that I mastered seldom. For this reason I decided to study abroad up Ukraine. I chooseed Donetsk national technical university because is my speciality, rigorous academic discipline and the best teachers here. My supervisor of master’s thesis is Gavrilenko Y.N. (the professor, PhD). The thema of master’s thesis is creation and application the geoinformation for an estimation замли in China.

      In the near future I will finish successfully my Master's degree thesis, to make the certain contribution to the solution of a problem of closed mines areas, successfully graduate from the university. In general, I do not want my education to end with the reception of the master's certificate. I want to work in the field geodesy, master and raise hard the specialized information studied. This branch is on the top of development and specialists such as I have a real possibility to create a career and get a success.

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