Lavrov Alexey Sergeyevich

Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of theComputer Information Technologies and Automatics (CITA)
Group ACS–00a

Master's degree work theme: Modeling and calculation of the corporate informational systems' basic parameters
Scientific adviser: Lazdin Sergey Vladimirovich, Ph.D
Lavrov A.S. photo


I was born on June, 24, 1983 in glorious kozacks’ city Zaporozhye. Soon after it by will of destiny I found myself in Donetsk, the city of million roses. Million roses are gone now, but I still live here.

In childhood I’d been remarkable for making nursery governesses in kindergarten really red, whereupon I wasn’t going to preschool educating establishments anymore. Already in that period I had fascination which was not indifferent for me until now. It is aviation and in general military technique. I gathered difficult enough models of airplanes and ships, collectioned books, magazines, newspaper clipping devoted to soviet and foreign aerotechnics. And moreover I was lucky enough to travel all over thousands kilometres on the roads of boundless Union and to visit real aerocarrier.

School years

The school period of my life began in a 1990. To the first form I went to the secondary school N 33 in Donetsk, where I learned pretty good. To the 5th form together with my best friend I went to school N 32. I have the most warm flashbacks about this school and my pictures with the image of enormous foundation pit on place where this establishment stands. Nevertheless, my juvenile dreams remained only dreams and school N 32 still stands on its place. Among the merits of this period is successful enough participation in the olympiads of different levels on physics, history, biology.

After 9th form by results of examinations I entered physical and mathematical lyceum of Donetsk National University (DonNU), to get more thorough knowledges in area of exact sciences. And I did not make a mistake with that choice. Although earlier I was interested in everything related to the computers (true, mainly it concerned computer games), but exactly in a lyceum, studying the elements of programing and acquiring the most useful skills of «communication» with a computer, I understood that I want to connect my further education and future professional activity only with the computers. About the student years of lyceum I had the brightest flashbacks.

In that years to my former fascination I added another. That was collectioning of thematic encyclopaedias. Now in my collection more than 25 volumes of the encyclopaedias, devoted to the military technique, geology, biology, arts, chemistry, physics, sports and etc, thus I am going to fill up this collection.

Choice of speciality

As I’ve mentioned already, yet in lyceum I decided to connect my future with the computers and programing. This desire increased especially when I got my own computer, old good Celeron. I hesitated a little at first, choosing between the speciality «Applied mathematics» in DonNU and speciality «Automated control systems» (ACS) on the faculty of computer information technologies and automation (CITA) of Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). But many enthusiastic reviews of acquaintances about ACS inclined me to do the choice exactly in favour of this speciality. Thus, in summer of 2000 by results of examinations I became the 1st course student of DonNTU on speciality ACS.


University years also were full of different events. Probably, therefore they passed unnoticed, specially the last year, when I plunged into work in the informational center of the Donetsk metallurgical plant (DMZ) and appeared in university very seldom, but always just in time. Nevertheless, I have a lot of memories: merry informal sallies on shashlicks or fried sausages skilfully prepared by our permanent group leader Chervynskaya Natalia; funny celebrating of every holidays like Bastille Day and Day of marmot; 3rd command place on the university olympiad on programing in 2004; finally, 3 years of intensive and deep studying of English on the «First Sertificate in English program» under the direction of severe, but just Nekropas Lesya Stanislavovna.

Theme of my master’s degree öùêë: «Modeling and calculation of the corporate informational systems’ basic parameters». It was advised to me by my scientific adviser Lazdin Sergey Vladimirovich, associate professor, Ph.D. That’s because it is included to the area of his scientific interests. As for me, this theme is very interesting. Moreover, because of swift development of computer informational technologies this theme is actual and perspective in sence of further researches and developments.

Look into the future

As for the future, it seems to me, that speciality ACS has brilliant future, quite as at communism. Annually the amount of participating in the rating tests for entering on our speciality grows steadily, as well as competition into every place on our speciality during summer preliminary examinations is stably high. This, and also unchanging large demand on our graduating students as on high-professional specialists, serves as the reliable indicator of popularity of this speciality and necessity in it.

My future is also seen to me as great and bright, because I am going to create it by own hands and I will do all my best for this purpose, not expecting gifts from a fate. I mortgage foundation of the future now, perfecting itself, acquiring new knowledges and abilities, to obtain professional growth as mortgage of future success. I already considerable attained at the present work and I'm not going to stop on this way. In nearest few years I want to move up on a professional stairs to get the sufficient stake of independence, because I want to be only boss to itself. In a prospect I dream about creating my own firm specialized on programming developments.

In the farther future I want to transmigrate somewhere, for example, to Germany or Czekh Republic. Why exactly these countries? Because there is a good beer! And telling serious, as every real man I certainly will build a house, plant a tree and raise a son (or daughter).