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Shapovalova Kateryna Olexandrivna

Faculty of the Computer Information Technologies and Automatics

Group ASC-00a

The theme of master's degree work: «Development of the computerized system of decision-making at highway design»

Scientific adviser: Ph.D, associate professor Svetlichnaja Victoria Antonovna

Write a letter:

      I was born in 17 July 1983 in Donetsk

      Father - Shapovalov Alexander Vasiljevich, the pensioner.

    Mother - Shapovalova Valentine Ivanovna, she does not imagine her life without gardening, all free time she spends growing vegetables and fruit (she has more then 80 sorts of tomato).

      Brother - Shapovalov Alexander Aleksandrovich, the exemplary husband and the irreplaceable expert on work.

      I don’t have any special memories from my childhood . When I was one year old my parents sent me to the kindergarten "Fairy tale". On every children's performances, I wanted to be a snowflake, but I had to be a penguin. In 1990 I went to the first form of school N51 in Donetsk. But after three years learning at this school, parents have decided to transfer me to the specialized physical and mathematical school N17. I thank them very much for this. Seven years that I spent in this school, were the best. In winter we skied, on May holidays all class went to Slavyanogorsk, and we hiked in Crimea in summer and in autumn. But there wouldn’t have been such amicable class, if we hadn’t had our teacher Postupaev Andrey Andreevich. He is the perfect teacher, not only pupils, but also most of parents adored him. I think school friendship is the strongest. I get on well with all my classmates, and some of them are my best friends. At school I took an interest in the exact sciences. I studied physics and mathematics with pleasure, participated in regional Olympiads. In the ninth form I was the second in regional Olympiad on physics. I took part in regional conference “The Model of the United Nations Organization – Ukraine” in Kurahovo.

      The choice of the future speciality remains a riddle for ever. Since the childhood I had been dreaming of becoming a doctor. First I wanted to vet, then to be the surgeon and at last the ophthalmologist. Therefore that I would enter Donetsk medical university, was not discussed at all. Only as secure I decided to try the forces in rating tests. And without thinking I submitted the application for a specialty «Automated systems of control” (ASC) in Donetsk State technical university (DonSTU), probably because four my classmates had submitted the application there. Later I have studied with all of them for four years in one group. As the fates decree, I have successfully written ratings in DonSTU and have unsuccessfully passed examinations in medical university. Some people consider till now, that I have made a mistake not having a try once again to enter medical university, and remained to study in ASC. But I am sure, that in the future I can realize myself as a specialist in informational technologies.

      When I’ve received the bachelor's degree in computer sciences with distinction, I’ve continued studying in magistracy of Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU). I chose the theme «Development of the computerized system of decision-making at highway design ». for my master's work. I hope my work will be interesting and useful to civil engineers. My scientific adviser is philosophy doctor Svetlichnaja Victoria Antonovna. She is the perfect teacher and sociable person, she will always prompt, advise, help to find the necessary literature.

      In the future it will be very important for me to have an interesting work, strong family and true friends. There is an idea to open a football cafe, to create a shelter for homeless animals, and also to found a resort base in Carpathian mountains instead of the deserted, unfinished observatory on Black mountain. I would like to visit corrida in Spain, grand-prix of Formula-1 in Monaco and to have dinner in cafe on Tour d'Eiffel.

© 2005 Shapovalova K.

© 2005 DonNTU