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Master DonNTU Sergienko Uljana

Sergienko Uljana

The ecology and chemical technology faculty

speciality: Management of ecological safety

To magisters work on theme: " Engineering system of atmospheric air pollution monitoring in Donetsk by sulfur dioxide "

The scientific chief: Belyaeva Irina


Abstract Library Report about the search Individual task Links

Uljana Sergienko
Address: Ceretely Street, 12, apt. 2, Donetsk, Ukraine
Phone: (8 095) 513 05 51 (mob), (062) 343 54 55 (home)

Work experience:


Took part in the conferences
- International conference “Protection of environmental natural environment and rational use natural resources” in DonNTU, the article on the topic “The analysis of existing system of monitoring of atmospheric air of city of Donetsk (NH3)”
- International conference “Ecology. The man. A society” in Kiev, the article on the topic “The analysis of existing system of monitoring of atmospheric air of city of Donetsk (SO2)”
- Conference in Makeevka, the article on the topic “The analysis of the factors influencing a level of pollution of atmospheric air dioxide of sulfur”

01/09/2005- 21/09/2005

Practice in State management of ecology and natural resources in Donetsk area
- Studying peculiarity work air department
- Materials collection for diploma


Took part in a conferences
- International conference “Protection of environmental natural environment and rational use natural resources” in DonNTU, the article on the topic “Forecasting of concentration dioxide of sulfur in atmospheric air of city of Donetsk by a method of multiple regress”
- Ukrainian conference “Ecological problems of regions of Ukraine” in Odessa, the article on the topic “Dynamics of change and forecast of temperature of air in city Donetsk”
- Conference name by V. Vernadsky in DonNTU the article on the topic “Consequences global grow warmer of a climate”

06/2004- 07/2004

Practice in State management of ecology and natural resources in Donetsk area
- Studying peculiarity work
- Materials collection by course work


Took part in a conferences
- International conference “Protection of environmental natural environment and rational use natural resources” in DonNTU
- Ukrainian conference “Ecological problems of regions of Ukraine” in Odessa, the article on the topic “Monitoring of the contents dioxide of sulfur in atmospheric air of city of Donetsk”


Took part in International conference “Protection of environmental natural environment and rational use natural resources” in DonNTU


09/2001 to present time

Donetsk national technical university Speciality ecology and management of ecological safety


Degree: bachelor. Scientific work “The analysis of a modern condition of a climate in city Donetsk and forecasting of his changes”

09/1991- 06/2001

Secondary school ¹ 62 in Donetsk


Native: Ukrainian, Russian, good English

Computing skills:

Ms Word, Ms Excel, Ms Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Eolplus, Statistic, Statgraphics, MathCAD


photography, travel, reading, music

DonNTU> Masters DonNTU> Abstract Library Report about the search Individual task Links