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The work of a student of gr.Ecol.M-01f
Kljutkina Ljudmila
Donetsk National Technical University Kljutkina Ljudmila

Kljutkina Ljudmila Vladimirovna

The departement: Phisical-metallutgicall and
French technical


"Ecology and Environmental security"


The Ecology of metallurgy

The topic of master's work

Increazing of ecological
security of steel-rope production
for instance OAC "Silur"
Good level of knowledge during studing at the university 4,52. Speak fluently Russian, Ukrainian languages. Can speak a little and translate Frennch and English. Have the sertificate of bachelor "The soft ware of the system automated"

Menager: Assistant professor of the department OTP Peristy M. M.

DonNTU Master's portal