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Master DonNTU

Bobrovskyy Konstantin Victorovich

Theme of master's work: “Development of hardware and software structures for a control device of probe diagnostic system which based on HDL- and FPGA-technologies”.

Scientific supervisor: Zinchenko Y. E.


Nowadays computer hardware came in our life. It's used everywhere: in private life and in industry, in realization of scientific researches. Each person every day use huge amount of electronic devices and mechanisms: refrigerator, TV, microwave oven, electric kettle, lift and so on. Most of these things are made with use of digital faults. The digital circuits c à me in our life and took the place of the reliable and faithful helper. However, as any mechanisms and devices, digital circuits break. So it is necessary to diagnose them.

Automated systems of diagnostic (ASD) are used for diagnosing of computers. Huge quantity of diagnostic systems is produced in our days. The leading dominant positions in the world hold such companies, as Teradyne, Agilent, World Test Systems. They made huge amount of different test and diagnostic systems.

Primary goals solved by systems of diagnostic:

  • checking of operability of the circuit;
  • finding location of the failed element.


Problem statement

Topic of my master work is “Development of hardware and software structures for a control device of probe diagnostic (CDPD) system which based on HDL- and FPGA-technologies”. The main purpose is creation of portative and friendly to user device for diagnosing of charts that works on frequency up to 40MHz. Portability means ability to work without computer or with help of notebook. The following technologies and methods are used for achievement the goal:

  • Hardware description languages (HDL);
  • USB interface;
  • FPGA-technology.

CAD Active-HDL is used for modeling of the system. CAD ISE is used for FPGA synthesis and development.



Scheduled results of master work:

  • HDL-model of CDPD;
  • functional diagram of CDPD;
  • weaving file for FPGA chip;
  • software for CDPD;
  • prototype of CDPD.


Recommendation on usage of results

The results of master work could be used:

  • in education process;
  • in future scientific projects and researches;
  • for production diagnostic of chips.



This problem is important today because there a huge amount of integrated circuits, which working on frequencies up to 40ÌHz, are used in Ukraine. Mainly they are used in military-industrial establishment. Re-designing of such circuits with use of new technology need a lot of time and money, that's why now and in the nearest future diagnostic systems are needed.

Notation: At the moment of writing this abstract masters work isn't completed, target date - January, 2007. After this date, you could get the full text of work and all materials connected with work.



  1. Miron Abramovich. Digital system testing and testable design. / New Jersey, US 1990ð, 649c.
  2. Michael L. Bushnell. Essentials of electronic testing for digital, memory and mixed-signal VLSI circuits. / Massachusetts US 2000p., 648c.
  3. www.xilinx.com
  4. http://www.micron.com/sdramds
  5. http://www.ftdichip.com/FTDisti.htm

DonNTU | English biography | Óêðà¿íñüêà á³îãðàô³ÿ | e-mail: ferestratin@rambler.ru | ©2006 DonNTU, Bobrovskyy K.V.